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Her cheeks reddened as she smiled up at me. I traced my thumb across her blush, feeling the heat of her skin. My cock threatened to come to life and embarrass me. I’d had her less than an hour ago, and I wanted more.

Her jealousy only turned me on. Let me know she was consumed by me like I was for her. I dipped my head, pressing our mouths together. Not caring that people were watching as my tongue slid along hers. She whimpered as I gave her a kiss that wasn’t appropriate for public, but I didn’t care. And that girl behind the counter needed to know who I belonged to.

Emma’s breath shuddered as we broke apart. I place one more soft kiss on her forehead before grabbing our order. The blue-haired barista’s mouth pulled tight as I stepped forward, but as soon as she saw me looking, she smiled.

“Second muffin is on the house.” She winked as she handed over our drinks and food.

I shook my head in disgust as I followed Emma to a table. She sipped her coffee in silence, none of the usual brightness or easy conversation. I’d do anything to make her smile again.

I grasped her thigh under the table, yanking her close. Our legs brushed as I casually drank my coffee. “Tell me more about the studio space you’re looking for.”

“Well, ideally I’d like it to be walking distance from my apartment. And—.” Her words cut off as I skimmed my fingers up her thigh. I watched her chest rise as she held her breath.

The nerves crackling from her made my dick hard. I moved my hand back, running it over her knee. She released her breath, shaking her head.

“And?” I prompted as I nudged her muffin closer to her.

She picked at it as I lightly caressed the skin on her inner knee. “And… it has to have good light.”

Her voice became breathy as I moved my hand higher again. My fingers ran along the elastic of her panties. Her eyes flicked around as if she wanted to make sure no one could see us, but the tablecloth was long, hiding her lower half. I would never risk someone else seeing her sweet cunt; it was only for me.

“Wh-what are you doing?” She frantically whispered. Her fingers turned white as she gripped her mug, but she didn’t push me away.

I ignored her question, instead closing the distance between us until I captured her earlobe with my teeth. She gasped softly as I nipped her there. I watched as goosebumps broke out along her skin. Heat pooled low in my gut as I saw my effect on her.

“Do you have any idea how crazy you make me?” The tension between us built as she licked her bottom lip. I imagined all the things I could do with that mouth. There was no time left, and there were still so many things I needed from her.

I wanted her on her knees; her lips stretched around my cock. I wanted her plump ass red from my touch. Her voice screaming my name. I wanted to drown in her taste. Her light.

“Cazzo.”I cursed as my fingers trailed down the outside of her damp lace panties. “I want you again. I’m never going to get enough of you.”

“Oh god.” She gasped quietly as her thighs clenched around me, trapping my hand between her legs. Her cheeks turned red as she looked everywhere but at me. My chest tightened at her sweetness. Her innocence.

“Open up,sole mia.”I nipped at her pulse, making her jerk slightly in her chair. “Let me feel it.”

Her warm breath coasted across my cheek as she looked at me. Apprehension and lust burned in her eyes. I stroked her lightly with a single finger, waiting to see which would win. I barely held in my groan of approval as she spread her legs.

I pushed her panties aside, sliding my fingers inside her. She was so tight and wet. Still full of my cum from this morning. I’d never come in anyone else before. Never had anyone that I cared to do that with. They were all vultures I used to pass the hours. Emma was different.

I wanted her full of me all the time. I wanted to mark her. Claim her. It was scary how much the darkness in me leaked into other areas. How it whispered in my ear to take her even if that’s not what was best for her.

And that’s exactly why I had to leave. I’d do the same to her. My darkness would leech into her until I snuffed out her light. All the things I loved about her.

“Goddamn.” I groaned into her neck. “You’re perfect. Already wet again. Such a greedy pussy.”

Her teeth left impressions in her plump lower lip as I slowly pumped in and out of her. Her walls clenched around me as I worked her up. Hitting all the spots she loved.

I couldn’t pull my gaze away from her as I felt her heat building. I watched the slow, even breaths she was forcing herself to take. Her perky tits straining against the top of her dress with each one. Her nipples hard and visible through the fabric. Her blue eyes practically spun as she kept watch.

I loved her like this. A little wild. A little crazy. For me. I loved pushing her to do something she’d never done before. Pushing her to be free, knowing she felt trapped in her life. Caged to the responsibilities. Just like me.

The barista took that moment to walk over. “Are you doing alright?”

Emma squeaked, clamping her legs together. But I didn’t stop. Didn’t even turn to look at her as I focused on my girl. I smiled at Emma as the fear of getting caught turned me on even more. My dick ached behind my pants.

“W-we’re good.” She gasped as I curled my fingers, pressing into that spot behind her clit. Her cheeks colored, turning as red as the setting sun as her eyes pleaded with me.

“Let me know if I can get youanything.”I chuckled at the barista’s veiled offer. I already had everything I could possibly need beneath my fingers.
