Page 44 of Promised

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I could smell his fear, and it would’ve made me happy if I wasn’t so worried about where Ariella was. Wondering if she was safe. Alone. If she’d been smart enough not to go back home.

I needed to find her. I headed down the stairs, already forgetting Gio as I thought about the places she could be.

“Fottutoverme.” You fucking worm.His harsh words stilled my feet.“I was born into this life. I wasn’t a street rat who crawled my way in. Infecting everyone with my disease.”

I hated Gio. I didn’t care about his opinion. But it didn’t stop the truth of his words.

I wasn’t good enough for Ariella. I had never been. She deserved everything. I was a nobody. I was born a nobody, and I’d stay that way.

“I was made for it. You can learn the skills. Earn the money, but you’ll always be beneath us. You’ll never be good enough to be on the inside.” His eyes gleamed as he smirked at me. “And he knows it too. That’s why you’re still a fixer while I’m a Capo.”

I swallowed the bile in my throat as I turned on my heel again. I wasn’t going to get into a pissing match with him. I wouldn’t be drawn into a fight I’d lose. Maybe he was right, but Matteo was all I had. My loyalty to him couldn’t be broken with a few words.

As I was reaching for the handle, Britney’s quiet laughter drew my attention. She leaned against Gio’s office door, wearing nothing but a black silk robe. “Still as lovesick as ever.”

I rounded on her. My fingers itched to close around her neck. To watch as I cut off her air. To see the lifelessness in her expression instead of cunning.

“I know what you did.” Her eyes shifted at the menace in my voice. She was smart enough to sense danger.

She straightened, trying to pretend I didn’t scare her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was only honest with you tonight.”

“Not tonight. Seven years ago. In the hospital. You lied.”

Her lips parting was the only sign that she knew what I was talking about. She was good. Like me, she wasn’t born in this life, but she’d adapted to it.

I had my skills. My ability to kill.

She had her body. Her ability to lie. I would’ve admired her if she wasn’t a heartless bitch who’d ruined my life.

“I didn’t.”

“I know!” She yelped and covered her face as I raised my fist, burying it into the drywall next to her head. Her limbs shook as she stood tall again, facing me head-on like she wasn’t afraid.

The ache in my knuckles did nothing to stop the storm inside me. If anything, it fueled it.

“Why?” I gripped her chin, forcing her to stare into my eyes. To see the monster she’d helped create. “Were you jealous because I never wanted you?”

She snorted as she jerked her chin out of my grasp. “I didn’t want you. I got someone more powerful.”

Her smile was evil. In our world, a girl like her was a dime a dozen. The ones willing to sell themselves to anything as long as it gave them money. She was barely above the hooker on the corner. And I wouldn’t have cared if she’d kept her lies to what she did in the bedroom.

“Be careful. That power won’t protect you forever.” I leaned forward until I was whispering in her ear. Until I could smell the scent of her fear. It gave me a tiny bit of satisfaction.

I usually didn’t play with my kills. I was efficient. It was why I was so good at my job. But this was personal.

I was going to make her worry. She would jump at every noise. Fear every night. Lose sleep wondering when I would come for her. She was going to suffer like I suffered.

“If I were you, I’d run.” She swallowed thickly as the dread started to affect her. “You’ve heard about the things I’ve done?”

“Y-Yes.” Her voice wavered as she nodded.

“None of it is true.” She sighed in relief as I pushed off the wall. Straightening my jacket, I smiled at her. “It’s worse.”

* * *

Hours later, I still hadn’t found Ariella. I’d checked the airport, bus stations, car companies. Nothing. It was like she disappeared.

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to push through the tension in my chest. But even the scent of pine didn’t help. I had no idea why I was here, back in this place. I guess I wanted to feel connected to her. Maybe walking through these woods would give me an idea.
