Page 47 of Promised

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My heart squeezed as I turned my cheek into his palm. How could I have thought he didn’t care? That he’d abandon me. When actually, he’d been doing everything he could to show me what we were.

“Adam.” I gasped, emotion choking me. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for hating you all these years. For believing her. I’m sorry I lost our baby.”

I couldn’t stop the sobs as they wrecked me. Or the tears as they flowed down my cheeks. But Adam caught them, brushing away each one with care before he kissed my forehead softly.

“Don’t be sorry. You don’t ever have to apologize. It’s not your fault. It’s mine.” He whispered the words into my hair, pulling me close and hugging me to his chest. “I should’ve known you better. Believed in us.”

His skin felt warm and comforting under me. It was like hiding under the covers. It didn’t really keep you safe from the monsters, but for a few moments, you could pretend.

His eyes begged as he pulled back, staring into mine. “Stay, please. I can’t lose you again.”

I traced over his handsome face with my gaze, lingering on the new scar below his chin. He was so different and yet the same. He was the boy I knew and the man I couldn’t get enough of.

Losing him had ripped my heart out of my chest. Shredded it into tiny little pieces until there was nothing left. I wouldn’t be able to live through it again. I wouldn’t survive that pain a second time.

His fingers dug into my scalp as he held me close. “I know you want to help Zara. Let me help, too. Let me do what I can to make this right.” He pressed our foreheads together. “Let me make us right again.”

I breathed him in. Surrounded myself with his woody scent. One breath was all it took.




Istared at Ariella as she sat curled on the couch, a tablet in her hand. I’d tried to convince her to go back to sleep; she’d barely gotten any rest last night, but she refused. Instead, she said she needed to work.

I could watch her all day. She was so goddamn beautiful. I couldn’t believe she was here in this house.

A furrow appeared between her brows as she concentrated on the image, relaxing again as her hand started to move. Her caramel-colored hair fell over one shoulder as she leaned closer to the screen in concentration. I ached just staring at her, and for the first time, it wasn’t because I couldn’t touch her.

I could. I could reach out and pull her into my lap. Bury my head in her hair and inhale her jasmine scent. I could press my lips to hers until she was begging for me. I wouldn’t right now because I didn’t want to interrupt her. Instead, I sat in the armchair across from her, just enjoying the view.

Because I could. Because she was back and she was mine. No one would change that. No one would take her away from me again. We weren’t two kids scared of the future and her father. I was the thing to be feared now. Speaking of, I had work to do.

“I have to go to Matteo’s.” She turned her head towards me as I sipped my coffee. Those honey eyes hit me right in the chest, making every ounce of pain I’d felt worth it. I’d do anything to keep them in my life. Keep her. “I want you to come with me.”

That furrow appeared in her brow again. “Why?”

I couldn’t take the space between us anymore. I crossed the room to her. Pressing my finger in between her eyes, I smoothed the wrinkle away. I traced around her eyes until I was cupping her cheek. She sighed as she leaned into me.

She was so soft and warm. So fucking perfect. I wanted to mess her up. Leave her gasping for air as I devoured her.

But I tucked that part of myself away. She hadn’t fallen in love with that man. I needed to be who I was before.

“You threatened your father.” I rubbed my thumb along the bruise on her cheek. “He isn’t going to just let you go.”

Her breath ghosted across my skin as she sighed. “I just made things worse for Zara, didn’t I?”

A small smile played on my lips. She’d been the one betrayed. Hurt by her own father. But her first thought was of her sister.

She’d been too good for me back then, but now she was better. And I was worse. Gio was right; I didn’t deserve her. But it wasn’t going to stop me from having her.

“She’ll be okay. She’s valuable to him.” Her mouth pinched at my answer, but she didn’t argue because she knew it was true. “It’s you I’m worried about. If you refuse to marry the man he names and still have that video, you’re a liability.”

“Will Matteo do anything with the video?” Hope filled her honey eyes. I hated to crush it, but I wouldn’t lie to her.

“No.” Her shoulders slumped. “You know how it is. The men are in charge of their wives and children. That includes killing them if they choose.”
