Page 62 of Promised

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“Where do you think you’re going, nightling?” His sleep-roughened voice made me tingle.

But it was nothing compared to how his ocean eyes made my stomach flutter. I still couldn’t believe I’d gotten to wake up to them every day for just over two weeks. I could wake up to them for the rest of my life if I wanted.

“Food,” I mumbled. My mind was still hazy from sleep. Or maybe it was him.

“Later.” He yanked my body until I was lying directly across him. Every part of us was pressed together, including his thick, hard cock. “I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

“I’ll just be down the hall,” I whispered, but I could already feel myself relaxing against him. He was so warm and safe. It had been a long time since I’d felt like that. Like I could let go. Just be.

“Or you could be right here.” He grabbed a fistful of my ass. Closing the centimeters distance between us.

I shut my eyes again, giving up. I let myself enjoy the feel of his fingers running down my spine. The smell of him surrounding me. The sound of his even breathing.

He was right; this was better.

But eventually, my stomach growled again. I lifted my head from his chest as he chuckled at me. I loved to see him laugh. It was rare, like an eclipse.

“I told you I was hungry.” I snapped, but there was no heat behind my words.

“Okay, let’s feed you.” He rolled me over, grasping my hands to pull me up beside him.

He turned my hands over, kissing each palm. My skin electrified at his touch, making me wonder how hungry I really was. But as I thought it, I saw his eyes fall to the tattoo on my ring finger.

“What’s this?” He traced over the half chain of flowers.

“I got it when I left,” I said, pulling from his grasp. I heard his footsteps behind me as I headed down the hall. My stomach twisted as I tried to get away without answering.

“Why would you tattoo your ring finger?” I sighed at his question, knowing I wasn’t getting out of anything.

“I got it for you, okay?” I started yanking open cupboards in the kitchen, unsure what I was looking for. “Can we not do this?”

I turned to head to the fridge but ran into his arm again. He pressed both palms into the counter, caging me in. Slowly, I brought my gaze to his face, trying to ignore the view of his shirtless chest and the way my heart stuttered.

“Tell me what it means.” His voice was softer than I expected as he raised a hand to my cheek.

I leaned into his touch. I told him so many other things I wasn’t sure why the words stuck in my throat now. Maybe because I didn’t want to admit how low I’d been when I’d gotten it. How desperately in love with him I was. How I’d given up on being happy without him.

It was pathetic. I should’ve been stronger than that. But I realized I wasn’t.

Yes, I’d gotten away from my father. I had a job. I lived. But I hadn’t been happy. That had become glaringly clear when I saw Adam again.

“I got it to remind myself that not everything was meant to last.”

His fingers flexed on my face. I could tell I’d hurt him. I couldn’t help how I’d felt then. The pain I’d been going through.

I gasped as he pressed our foreheads together. I hadn’t even realized how fast my heart was beating until it slowed, matching his rhythm.

“We’re going to last, nightling.” He whispered. “We were meant to last.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat as our gazes connected. “Promise?”

His chuckle warmed my skin. “I promise. In fact, I have an idea.”

* * *

An hour later, I stared wide-eyed as two men set up a tattoo machine in Adam’s kitchen. It was amazing what you could do with connections and money. And possibly the threat of death. “This was not what I thought you meant.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me back against him. “This way everyone will know you’re mine.”
