Page 7 of Promised

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“Who? Who ispapàmarrying you off to?” This was the fate we were born into. The daughters of a Mafia boss had one purpose in life, to marry another criminal to form an alliance between two families. So they both could gain power.

Most Mafia men prayed for a boy. A boy could stay in the family. Lead them into the future. A girl’s job was to be cast aside. Used as chattel. A prize to be sold.

It was my father’s greatest disappointment that he’d only had two daughters.

I’d escaped that fate, but it had cost me everything. Thrust me into the world completely alone at nineteen.

I didn’t have a lot now. Nothing like the opulence my sister and I had grown up in. But I’d earned it all myself. It was mine.

To my father, it would seem like nothing. A small apartment. A job freelancing as an artist. Freedom. None of the money and power he wanted.

“I don’t know.” Her breath shuddered through the phone. “He’s having a party next week to meet matches. Ariella, I need you here.”

“What?” I couldn’t move. It felt like cement had filled my veins, locking me in place.

“I need someone who can stand up topapà.Someone who has my best interests in mind.” She pleaded. “There’s no one else but you.”

“Wh-what about Matteo?” I’d heard our former friend had taken over after his uncle’s death.

It had been years, but I remembered Matteo being fair. Not kind, but loyal to his family. He wouldn’t force Zara to marry someone she hated like my father would.

“Something is going on with him andpapà.Matteo refused my hand.” She didn’t sound that upset by it. I was surprised she’d even been considered a match for him. We’d grown up like siblings. “He married someone who isn’t Italian.”

“What?” My voice echoed around the room, shock making me speak louder than intended.

“I know. I know.Papàis beside himself. But she’s lovely.” Zara’s voice softened for a moment. She only ever wanted the best for people, and she cared for Matteo like a brother. “They met randomly in a coffee shop, and she got pregnant. Matteo refused to let her go after that. She’s so sweet. You’d like her.”

She always believed in a good love story. I didn’t have the heart to tell her they weren’t real.

“It doesn’t matter if I’d like herPiccino.I can’t come.” I felt the knife twisting my insides. I didn’t want to go home.

It wasn’t really home anymore; if it ever had been. Now, it was full of painful memories. Things I could never face.

“Please.” She begged, her words clawing at my heart. “I’m afraid.”

Cazzo.That was all it took. That tiny drop of fear from my sister made me give in. Thrusting me back into a world I’d almost died to escape.

I should’ve given my life. It would’ve been easier than what I’d actually given up.



Ididn’t believe in hiding from your fears. I actually didn’t believe in being scared. If I was afraid of something, I just killed it. More people should try it. They might find it freeing.

Still, I kept my gaze focused on Gio’s red front door. Unwilling to let my eyes drift to the woods that surrounded his property. It wasn’t because I was afraid of the memories they’d bring; I was just focused on the job. I buried my hands in my pockets as I waited.

“Can I help you?” Zara’s voice was polite but distant as she answered the door. I flicked my gaze to her, and I saw the moment of recognition cross her face. “Adam? Adam Wright.”

I smirked at her shock. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,cara.”

She shook her head lightly as her eyes ran down my body. “I feel like I have.”

I raised a brow as we continued to stand in the doorway. “Are you going to invite me in?”

She turned to look behind her, her fingers curling around the wood like she was going to close it in my face. “I’m not sure if I should.”

“You should.” Her face paled slightly at the authority in my voice. But Zara had nothing to fear from me.
