Page 78 of Promised

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“I feel sorry for you that you believe that. He’ll kill you when you’re not useful anymore.”

“Then I guess I better stay useful.” I winced as she pressed the weapon further into my skull.

“Adam will find me.” I gasped as I felt the metal cut into my skin. “He’ll tear you to pieces for hurting me.”

“Oh please, you two are so fragile.” Her cold, dead laugh made my chest tight. I’d grown up in this world full of monsters, but for the first time, I felt like I was looking at the face of pure evil.

“Do you know how easy it was to break you up? One lie, and you fell apart. How hard do you think it’ll be to convince him you ran? Especially when there won’t be anything left for him to find.”

“Like he’ll believe anything you say.”

“It won’t be me who says it.” I watched in horror as she picked up my phone.

I scrambled across the ground, trying to stop her. But before I’d moved an inch, she shoved her knee into my face. Agony exploded across my body as I felt the breaking of my nose.

I gagged as blood filled my mouth. But it was nothing compared to the terror inside me as I watched her tap the screen. I knew she was texting Adam. Telling him I was leaving.

Britney dropped the phone to the ground. I took a split second to decide if it was worth the risk to grab it, but before I could even move, she shot. I jerked as the pieces of my phone scattered all around me.

“Done.” She smirked.

My lungs felt like they were collapsing as I thought about Adam and what that lie would do to him. He’d be destroyed.

Because he’d believe it. He already thought I left him once. That he wasn’t good enough. And we’d fought tonight.

Once again, Britney had played this perfectly. She knew his weakness, the one thing that would stop him from looking. She was smart. If she wasn’t so fucking insane, she might’ve had a nice life. Earning all the things she wanted instead of taking them.

My blood stilled as the gun clicked. “Are you ready to finally pay the price for everything you’ve had?”

I was done with this bullshit. She thought I was some spoiled princess. That my life was so easy. Fuck her and my father. I’d fought for the one thing I wanted. Love. And they’d tried to take it from me.

Not again. I’d die before I’d watch them rip Adam from me.

Ignoring the pain in my body, I grasped her ankle with my good hand. A surprised squeak left her as I pulled hard until she fell flat on her ass. I lunged forward, tackling her to the ground as I reached for the gun.

A shot rang out as I gripped the weapon in her hand. Jabbing my knee into her side at the same time, I tried to pry it from her fingers. She let out a soft whoosh as the air left her lungs.

My desperation fueled me. My love for Adam made me strong as she slapped and clawed at me with her free hand. I threw my forearm up to block her blows, but the gun slid across the ground in the struggle.

My world spun as I fought off the throbbing in my brain. My injured hand screamed as I rolled away from her, crawling towards the weapon. Dirt embedded under my nails, but just as I closed my fingers around it, Britney let out a monstrous scream as she grabbed my ankle, dragging me back.

Using all my rage and fear, I kicked her with my other leg. But Britney kept pulling until we were both tumbling down the hill. Rocks and tree branches cut into every inch of my exposed skin as we fell. I could feel the bumps and bruises as I landed hard on my back.

This was my moment. She didn’t have a weapon anymore. I could run and hope the darkness hid me in the woods. I knew this place better than anyone; I could find somewhere to hide.

But I didn’t even make it into a sitting position. Britney shoved my shoulders down as she straddled me, pinning my arms under her knees. Her eyes were crazed as she raised her fists. Each punch to the face had my head snapping back into the harsh ground.

She screamed and yelled, but her words were unintelligible as my ears rang from the pain. I desperately tried to throw her off, but she was powered by a grudge. By her insane belief that I owed her. It gave her strength that I was no match for.

I felt the warm blood pouring down my face as she hit me over and over. I gasped for air as her weight pressed into my chest. My vision started to gray around the edges. As I lay there taking her beating, I knew it was over. Adam wasn’t coming, and I couldn’t make it.

I accepted my fate as she grabbed a rock. It was almost as big as her head. She used both hands to hold it over mine. I saw her lips moving. Saw the decision to kill in her expression.

Instead of looking into her manic eyes, I turned away. I stared up at the moon. I focused on the flowers surrounding me. I tried to remember their smell. Tried to feel the grass instead of the intense pain in my body.

I couldn’t believe this morning I’d been swimming in the lake with Adam, and now I would die here.

These woods meant so much to me. I ran away here to meet Adam. I’d had sex here for the first time. Told him I was pregnant here.
