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A sudden urge to lighten the atmosphere overtook him. Nudging Gunner with his foot, he directed the dog’s attention to Catsby, who was leisurely sprawled on the rug before the fireplace.

“Watch this,” he whispered. Gunner, following Jackson’s prompt, began to inch closer to Catsby, nudging the cat with his nose. Catsby, in return, swatted Gunner, causing the dog to back away, only to try again. After a few times, Catsby gave in, and Gunner settled in next to the cat. The two fell asleep and snuggled up to each other.

“Yesterday, I would have never thought that possible,” she said.

He finished his cocoa and put the empty mug on the coffee table. “It’s amazing the difference a day can make.”

“When I first read that letter... it was like a lifeline," she confessed, delicately tracing the rim of her mug. "There was this rush of hope and excitement, something that hadn't stirred within me in a very, very long time."

“You were fearless,” he found himself saying. “Not everyone dares to take such a leap of faith.”

Her eyes met his. “You can’t do the same thing and expect something different to happen.”

Her words rang true. “They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

“You quote philosophers too. I’m impressed.”

“Oh, don’t be. I had a lot of free time and did a good deal of reading.”

“I get that, but while you’re reading Lao Tzu and Hemingway, I bet your fellow soldiers are readingPlayboyand the Sunday comics.”

He chuckled. “You’re probably right.” With a reluctant sigh, Jackson rose. “I guess it’s getting late. I should start setting up my room.” The fire was dying down, the cabin was falling into a peaceful quiet, the animals were asleep, and Jackson was standing at the edge of an emotional precipice, staring down at a swirling vortex of feelings for Amanda.

But tonight, he decided, was about understanding, and supporting her. Tonight, was about acknowledging her courage and her journey. It was about respecting her and the emotional catharsis she’d been through.

As he retired to his room, he knew their friendship was evolving into something deeper—something he hadn’t expected.

As he lay down on his bed, the snow beating against the cardboard-covered window, he thought about the evening they had shared, and it struck him as funny. How did a rundown cabin, a cup of cocoa, a frozen pizza, and a fire become the highlight of his year? It was because it all included Amanda.


Amanda stirred from a peaceful slumber, her eyelashes fluttering open to reveal a world bathed in soft, otherworldly light. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she pushed herself to sit up, her gaze drawn toward the window. A breathtaking view met her eyes. The cabin and surrounding landscape were wrapped in a pristine blanket of snow.

The once-familiar scene had transformed overnight into a glittering winter wonderland, every inch of it glowing under the tender caress of the morning sun. Icicles hung like delicate chandeliers from the cabin's eaves, the bare branches of the trees around her were adorned with puffs of white, and the ground was a canvas of untouched brilliance.

It was so quiet, so peacefully serene. Time had slowed, holding its breath in the face of such extraordinary beauty. Amanda’s heart filled with awe and warmed her from the inside. She was witnessing a secret part of Aspen Cove, a silent poetry that unfolded with each season.

She padded toward the window in her flannel pajamas and bare feet on the cool wooden floor, her breath fogging up the glass as she took in the beauty. She pressed her palms against the cool surface, a content sigh escaping her lips. In that moment, the world appeared rejuvenated, clean, and full of promise despite, or perhaps because of, the storm.

The tantalizing tang of coffee and something deliciously warm and buttery wafted up to her from the kitchen, tearing her attention away from the view. Amanda’s stomach gave an appreciative rumble, and she headed down the hallway, drawn by the scent and muffled movement sounds.

Jackson was in the kitchen, his back to her, focused on the sizzling pan before him. She was met with a comforting domestic scene: steam rising from the coffee pot, the light clinking of cutlery, and Jackson, big and solid, donning an apron that she knew said, "Domestic Goddess in Training.”

Surprise and a dash of affection swelled within her. She’d known Jackson was considerate, but this scene added a layer to him that she hadn’t expected, something touchingly mundane yet utterly endearing.

“Good morning,” she greeted, leaning against the doorway. Jackson turned at her voice, a boyish grin lighting up his face and reaching his eyes as he flipped a pancake.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” he teased, a playful glint in his eyes. “Hope you’re hungry.”

Her heart fluttered at his easy, charming smile. Despite the chill outside, the cabin was comfortable, filled with the sounds of a crackling fire, the delicious hint of breakfast, and the presence of a newfound friend.

She sat at the small kitchen table, while Jackson crept around the kitchen. He hummed a soft tune under his breath.

As they settled into breakfast, Jackson said, “Cannon and Sage will swing by with their truck soon. They offered to plow the driveway and make sure the road is clear. That way, I can make it to my shift at the bar tonight.”

Amanda paused mid-bite, her forkful of fluffy pancake hanging in mid-air. She looked up at Jackson, curiosity clear on her face. “Do they do that for everyone around here?” she asked. The idea of such care and camaraderie in a town was foreign to her.

Jackson chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he nodded. “Not everyone, but those of us who live a bit further out, yes. That’s how it is in Aspen Cove.”
