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I regret to inform you that Brandy passed away several years ago. She often spoke of the letters she exchanged with you. Your friendship meant a great deal to her. Even though you lost touch, I know she carried the memory of you in her heart.

I’m now in the twilight of my life and have been reflecting on the people who have touched our lives. It's essential to acknowledge your role in Brandy’s and to offer you a token of my appreciation. Enclosed with this letter is the deed to a charming cabin in Aspen Cove. It is an amazing, small town that has provided comfort and a sense of belonging to those who have come to call it home.

If you take a chance on Aspen Cove, you will find everything a person could ask for. Bring the paperwork to Doc Parker, who will help you settle into our little piece of paradise.

Again, thank you for the kindness and joy you brought to my daughter’s life. I hope Aspen Cove can offer you the same serenity and happiness it has given many others.

Warm regards,

Bea Bennett

Amanda heldthe letter in her hands with mixed emotions. She was heartbroken that Brandy had passed. Her life was cut so short. Despite the sad news, the page was filled with kindness and love. She couldn’t believe the incredible turn her life had taken. Excitement and intrigue welled up within her, making her wonder if this was the sign she had asked for.

She said a silent prayer of thanks for the opportunity to have known Brandy and the gift her mother Bea had bestowed upon her at the exact time she needed a miracle.

She carried the pages over to her desk, opening her laptop to research the town. Images of quaint, picturesque streets, charming storefronts, and cozy homes filled the screen, and it tugged at her heart. It was as if the place was calling out to her, inviting her to leave behind the chaos of the city and find solace in its peaceful embrace.

Unable to contain her joy, she rushed to call Meg.

“Oh my gosh! You won’t believe what happened!”

“Whoa, calm down. Tell me what’s up,” Meg said.

Amanda filled her in on the details of the pink letter, Brandy, and Bea Bennett’s generous gift. She spoke faster as she told the story, afraid she wouldn’t get it all out before she woke from a dream, or someone came to tell her it was all a mistake.

“That’s incredible! It’s like fate or something—you asked for a sign, and the universe answered in spades.”

Amanda laughed. “I know ... it’s so wild. I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything, but I think I’ll do it. I’m moving to Aspen Cove.”

“Yes! Yes, yes, yes!” Meg cheered from the other end of the line. “This is going to be amazing for you—reinvigorating. A fresh start, a new adventure. I’m so excited for you!”

She hung up with renewed determination and started planning her relocation to Colorado. She contacted her landlord, gave notice, organized her belongings, and made a list of all the things she’d need to do before leaving the city behind.

She could already picture herself sitting by a roaring fire in her living room, the snow falling gently outside as she worked on her latest novel. At that moment, she knew Aspen Cove was where she was meant to be.


Jackson awoke early, his body still syncing with the military clock ingrained in him over the years. The golden glow of the morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm light across the room. He stretched, his muscles protesting from the previous day’s work at Bishop’s Brewhouse moving cases of beer and spirits. A soft whine drew his attention to the foot of the bed where his loyal German Shepherd, Gunner, sat patiently, his tail wagging nonstop.

“Alright, buddy, let’s go for our walk,” Jackson murmured, swinging his legs over the side of the bed, and standing. The worn wooden floorboards beneath his bare feet contrasted with the rough concrete and metal of the barracks he’d left behind.

He brushed his teeth, dressed, and laced up his boots, while the memories of his time in the Army played like a slideshow. The grueling training, the strong bonds he’d formed with his fellow soldiers, and the harsh reality of the missions he’d been sent on. Among those he’d grown closest to was Bowie, a man who’d become like a brother to him. They’d been through the worst of it together and had come out the other side mostly whole.

They exited through the patio door of his room at B’s Bed and Breakfast. Gunner bounded excitedly ahead as they stepped outside, the brisk morning air nipping at Jackson’s cheeks. The dog looked at the lake, which was already starting to ice over.

“Not today, boy. It’s too cold.” Jackson zipped his camouflage jacket up to his neck and headed toward the heartbeat of Aspen Cove. The picturesque streets were bathed in the early light, making Main Street sweeter. The town was still asleep, everything quiet and peaceful, and a welcome change from his past life.

As he walked, he couldn't help but contrast the serenity around him with the cacophony of his past life—where the air had been thick with the acrid smell of gunpowder, and the nights shattered by the relentless percussion of artillery fire. Here, the only battle was against the morning cold, and for that, he was grateful.

The temperature was a far cry from the stifling confines of the barracks or the dusty, oppressive air of the war zones he’d been deployed to.

He breathed deeply, savoring the scent of pine trees and the faint smell of sizzling bacon and pancakes from Maisey’s Diner.

Gunner’s ears perked up at the sound of birdsong, his head tilting curiously at the melody that surrounded them.

Jackson smiled at the simple joy his canine companion found in these small moments.

His thoughts drifted to Bowie and the life he had built here. He married Katie, a woman with a heart as big as the mountains surrounding them and one belonging to Bowie’s former fiancée, Brandy. What were the chances of falling in love with the same heart twice? There was magic here, and Bowie getting injured in the war now seemed more of a blessing than a curse. It brought him back to the family business and allowed him to meet his wife.
