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It was a simple, unadulterated joy, and to Jackson, it was like a precious gift, one he was more than ready to unwrap.

The snowball fight ended as abruptly as it began, their laughter fading into the fresh snow crunching under their boots. Their breaths, previously fogging up in the sharp bouts of laughter, now emerged in slow, steady puffs, filling the silent air around them. As they ventured deeper into the forest, a soft rustling sound pierced the silence, causing them both to freeze.

Jackson reached out, his fingers curling around Amanda’s arm. He pulled her behind a large pine tree with a gentle tug, pressing his body against hers as they huddled behind the bark.

“Shhh,” he whispered, lifting a finger to his lips, his eyes twinkling with a playful hint of adventure. Amanda’s heartbeat thrummed against her ribcage, a silent sonata echoing close to Jackson.

Jackson silently pointed toward a break in the trees with his other hand. There, in the frosted foliage, stood a curious deer. It stared in their direction, its large, innocent eyes reflecting the muted winter sun. It was a remarkable creature, with its russet brown coat contrasting the stark white of the winter forest around them.

Neither dared to breathe, the sight of the gentle creature holding them in rapt attention. The world seemed to pause around them, the moment’s magic suspending them in a shared bubble of wonder.

“Wow,” Amanda breathed out in a whisper. Her eyes were wide with awe, the corners crinkling in pure delight.

Jackson nodded in agreement, his gaze alternating between the breathtaking view of the deer and the woman beside him, who seemed to have brought the magic with her into his life.

But as quickly as the moment began, it ended. The deer, perhaps catching their scent or sensing their presence, gave one last lingering look before darting off into the underbrush, its tail flashing white before disappearing completely.

They remained still for a moment longer, the echo of the encounter reverberating between them. Jackson thought these unexpected moments, these shared experiences, were slowly braiding their lives together, one enchanted thread at a time.

Shaking off their surprise, they resumed their search for the perfect Christmas tree. With Jackson’s knowledge of the forest, it didn’t take long for them to find the right one. A tall, robust pine tree stood before them, its branches lush and green, covered in a light dusting of snow.

With a nod of approval, Jackson set to work. He felled the tree and trimmed it to the perfect size, ensuring it would fit comfortably in their living room. Once they returned it to the cabin, he constructed a sturdy base, so it would stay upright and stable throughout the holiday season.

Next, they set out to decorate their tree. Laughter echoed through the cabin, punctuated by Amanda’s animated storytelling. Nothing was ever more perfect.

Amanda unwrapped each ornament from its box, holding them with the delicacy of a curator handling precious artifacts. Her eyes gleamed with an energy that breathed life into the room. As she lifted each piece, she spun a web of possible tales it could tell.

One vibrant red cardinal ornament held a story of a childhood pet that loved to sing in the early mornings. A glass angel brought a tale of an elderly grandmother who had passed down wisdom and love. A worn-out, painted wooden sleigh told a tale of adventures in the deep, snowy woods.

Jackson listened, captivated, as she brought each inanimate object to life with her words, each narration creating a vibrant palette of Christmas possibilities.

As she tried to reach a high branch, he laughed. In a smooth motion, he took the ornament from her hand. Their fingers brushed against each other, electricity passing between them. Jackson blinked, covering his surprise by quickly placing the decoration on the tree.

The tree came alive under Amanda’s imaginative influence, highlighted by the soft, muted light that spilled through the cabin windows. The melting snow outside made rivulets of water down the glass, lending magic to the atmosphere within.

“There’s a meeting regarding the Thanksgiving dinner in town, and I hope they let me make Bea’s special holiday ham.” Amanda looked sadly at the clock and sighed. “I have to go, or I’ll be late.”

The sudden break caught Jackson off guard. He stood, brushed off imaginary lint from his jeans, and cleared his throat. “Would you like to grab a beer at Bishop’s Brewhouse afterward?” He tried to keep his tone casual but felt like a teenager asking the prettiest girl in high school out for a date.

A warm smile spread across her face. “I’d love to.”

Jackson’s heart pounded as she grabbed her coat. It wasn’t the beer he was looking forward to. It was the promise of sharing more laughter, stories, and stolen moments under the neon lights.

As Amanda left the cabin, he stood by the window, the traces of her presence fading. A glance at the decorated tree brought a smile to his face. The day had started with a simple meal and had ended with shared memories woven around a Christmas tree. He looked forward to what the night might bring.

* * *

As the evening fell,Jackson was behind the bar, pouring drinks and sharing casual conversation with the locals. The bar was vibrant with laughter, underscored by the warm hum of music playing in the background. Friends of Dalton were playing pool. Though they looked like the Sons of Anarchy, they were nice guys.

Just as he was about to text Amanda to see when she was coming, the bar door swung open, and in walked Samantha, a renowned singer known as Indigo. As she made her way toward the stage, whispers followed in her wake, and the conversations around the room hushed to murmurs. Samantha had a way of making every night she performed feel special.

Right on cue, Amanda walked inside the bar. She took in the scene, her eyes widening when she noticed Samantha setting up on the stage with the band. She walked up to the bar, nudging his arm. “Is that ... is that really Indigo?” she asked, pointing discreetly toward the stage.

He grinned, amused by her excitement. “The one and only. Her real name is Samantha, and she comes occasionally on karaoke nights with the band. She married a local named Dalton. She spent some of her childhood here.”

Without missing a beat, Amanda said, “You think she’d mind if I said hello?” The words rushed out in her excitement.

He shook his head. “Not at all. Come on. I’ll introduce you.”
