Page 9 of Jade

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“Thanks, Goodbye Lady I ...”

“There you are, Mariam, have been looking all over for you,” Taimani says, barging in.

“Sorry, I was just saying goodbye,” I answered, getting to my feet. I noticed the surprised look on her face was quickly drained.

“Come on, the group has decided we meet at two houses only instead of going to everyone’s home. The vote has come down to here and Nicky’s house and it’s currently a tie for the next meeting. You will be the deciding vote. Come quick,” she says, racing out after talking so fast, not bothering to see if I followed.

“Jade, pick here, so we can talk more,” Naseer says. I simply nod as I follow Taimani.

I was going to pick Nicky’s house because I’ve heard a lot about her home. When they put the basket of colored papers in front of me to pick one. In a moment of pause, I realize I would like to speak to Naseer again. The colored pink and green paper are turned so I can’t tell which paper belongs to whose house. My eye catches Taimani. She mouthspinkat me. It was quick; the others didn’t notice.

I roam my hand to the green, but the desire to speak to Naseer again makes me lean towards pink and I see the excitement from the group that picked pink, which means the next meeting is here at Taimani’s house. When it is time to leave, the expensive cars arrive one after the other. Taimani and I wave goodbye to each classmate.

“I’m surprised you were talking to my brother,” she says, the moment it’s just the two of us.

“I’m sorry. I was looking for the bathroom and accidentally opened the door. He asked me to sit and talk to him.” She gasps in shock.

“Naseer, asked you to stay?” she asks, still wearing a stunned look.

“Yes,” I answered. “I didn’t know you had a brother; you never mention him.” She becomes guarded.

“We don’t talk about him and don’t tell anyone you talked to my brother; promise me you won’t mention him.” Though it was a request, the tone was firm.

“Okay, I promise” doesn’t make sense, but she holds my hand hard and stares me down. “I promise.

Luckily, my uncle pulls up. I quickly bid Taimani goodbye. All the excitement about the next meeting was gone once we talked about her brother, which is strange. Still unsure why she made me promise, but I won’t tell anyone.

I’m happy they squashed the idea of going from house to house. I had no plans to bring them to my home, anyway.

I ride in silence with my uncle. As the conversation with Naseer plays in my mind. I conclude that I like him very much. Yes, I want to see him again. I certainly forgot my worries while talking with him. We had a non-judgmental conversation and peace. I feel a little sad that I might not see him again. Much as I would like to.


Ismiledforthefirst time in months after she left. She made me laugh. I’d heard the door open gently, and I’d tried to turn but ended up grunting in pain. She’d looked my way and looked frightened as she asked for the bathroom. I pointed her in the direction. Made me chuckle as she raced to the bathroom, forgetting to close the door.

She came out and stood by my bed; I didn’t hear a thing she said, but I watched her. She’s tall and beautiful. Even as she looked untidy in the uniform. I felt a jolt when she pulled her braids off her face and feigned a smile at me. When I didn’t smile back, she stopped smiling and remained quiet before she turned to leave.

I noticed she didn’t run away when she saw me in my state. She was closer to the door when my thought went, “Are you going to let her leave?”

I spoke up and all I could say was “Sit with me,” which surprised me when I invited her to stay. My parents and my childhood friend who’s also my bodyguard are the only people that stay, only because I can’t force them out and any mean words don’t shake them. Taimani stopped coming to see me because I yelled at her. Yet I asked this Jade girl to stay.

She stopped and turned. Then pulled the chair and sat with me, which surprised me. I smiled for the first time in months. I could talk to her for days and not get bored. As we talked, I heard Taimani calling out for her, but she called her Mariam, not the name she told me.

She left with Taimani; I hope she picks the card that would bring them here. I want to talk to her again. I press the nurse’s light. Nurse Rae comes in.

“Can you ask my sister to come and see me?”

“Okay.” She leaves.

Taimani arrives, all excited as always. “Naseer, you wanted to see me?” she asked, surprised.

“Yes, how was your project meeting with your friends?”

“It was fine. Mariam picked the pink, so they will come here twice a week and to Nicky’s house once a week. Mariam seemed happy about it, too. I liked her ideas, but the boys kept shutting her down.”

“Is she new to your school?” I ask, wanting to know more about Jade.

“Yes, she joined us a few months ago. She lives with her aunt and uncle. She’s dubbed the smartest girl in school, she’s quiet, mostly because no one speaks to her, and some boys like to prank her.” Surprisingly, she wasn’t quiet with me. Guess they don’t know how to get her talking.
