Page 23 of Crushed Promises

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Barry struggled, babbling nonsense as Alec and the paramedics held him down. Once William had given the sedative, Jillian came up to kneel beside Alec. “Whenever you're ready, we'll lift him back up onto the gurney.”

“We’ll lift him—just get out of the way.”

Startled by Alex's abrupt tone, she backed off and the three men lifted the heavy patient back onto the gurney. They continued to hold Barry’s extremities while she placed another IV.

When Barry began to struggle again, she shook her head. “I may have to intubate him so that we can give him major sedation to get the CT scan of his head. I’m really worried he has a head injury, especially since he’s not making much sense anymore.”

“Here's the airway box.” William set the intubation supplies on her right.

She could feel Alec's gaze on her as she prepared to intubate their patient. Holding the laryngoscope and her right hand wasn't easy and she prayed her fingers wouldn't go numb as she lifted Barry’s jaw enough to visualize the airway. Just as she slid the endotracheal tube into his larynx, the laryngoscope slipped. She bit her lip as she advanced the tube blindly, praying she’d inserted it in the correct place. “I need the respiratory therapist to assist with checking tube placement.”

A respiratory therapist whose name tag read Michelle stepped forward placing a small device on the end of the endotracheal tube. “Placement looks good, Dr. Davis.”

Jillian nodded and reached for her stethoscope. “Michelle, please hold this tube secure. I still want to listen.” When she heard breath sounds in both lungs, overwhelming relief made her knees weak. Her numbness and tingling hadn't hurt the patient, thankfully. She nodded at William. “It's in. Give him five milligrams of Versed.” Then she turned to Michelle. “Please connect him to the ventilator.” She went on to reiterate what ventilator settings she wanted, then stepped back.

After the medication was administered every muscle in Barry Cox's body relaxed. Alec and the paramedics were finally able to let go.

“Thank you everyone.” She glanced around to find the nurse. “William please call radiology, let them know we need a stat CT of the head. I'll enter the order.”

“Will do.” William grabbed the nearest phone. It didn't take long for her to enter the order into the computer. A few minutes later, William said, “Good news, they're ready for him now.”

“Great.” She stepped back. “I hope he sleeps like a baby the entire time.”

“Me, too,” William commented in a dry tone as he and Michelle coordinated pushing the gurney while giving breaths via an Ambu bag. They quickly wheeled Barry away.

She lifted a hand to rub the spot where Barry's fit had connected with her shoulder.

“Are you okay?” Alec looked concerned. “Why on earth didn't you get out of the way?”

She gave him an exasperated look. “I'm fine. This sort of thing is not uncommon. I'll get some ibuprofen. Thanks for all your help, please excuse me.” She turned and head back to her office. She needed a moment alone and besides, there was a stash of ibuprofen somewhere in her desk, she was certain.

Alec followed. “Maybe you should call one of the orthopedic surgeons to take a look at your arm.”

Ignoring him, she found the ibuprofen and dropped three tablets into the palm of her hand. Her fingers still held a slight tremor from the near assault. Or maybe it was her undiagnosed Multiple Sclerosis. She tossed them back with some water from a half finished water bottle on her desk. The physical altercation with Barry Cox had unsettled her more than she wanted to admit. “It's just a minor muscle ache, he didn't hit me very hard.”

Alec scowled. “Looked hard enough from where I was standing. And I noticed your hand was affected—you almost dropped the laryngoscope. I'm worried about you.”

The close call with the laryngoscope had been too much. What if she'd harmed the patient? She flexed her fingers and abruptly sat down behind her desk. After the emotionally draining situation, she didn't have the energy to lie. Better he knew the truth anyway. “The problem with my hand isn't related to my shoulder.”

Alec crossed over, pushed a pile of paperwork aside so he could sit on the corner of her desk, facing her. “What is the problem, then?”

He was close, too close, and the need to seek refuge in his arms was strong. Tears burned her eyes but she quickly blinked them away. “I honestly don't know. My neurologist can't seem to find a diagnosis. But it might be serious.”

“Neurologist?” Alec reached over and took one of her hands in his. “Has he ordered testing?”

His hand felt so warm and strong around hers. She stared at their entwined fingers for a moment. Then took a deep breath and nodded. “Next Tuesday I'm having evoked potentials done.” At his confused expression she went on to explain, “It's a test where they poke needles into my nerves in order to measure the response.”

“Ouch,” he muttered. He drew her up to her feet, urging her close. “I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do...”

“There isn't.” But it was sweet of him to ask. He continued to pull her closer until she was wrapped in his arms in a secure hug. Giving in to the need to be held, she briefly rested her head on his shoulder. She allowed herself a moment of absorbing his strength. He stroked a hand down her back and she wished she could stay like that for the rest of the night. But she couldn't. In fact, another patient could come in at any second.

With regret Jillian lifted her head and glanced up at Alec, intending to thank him. Before she could form the words, he dipped his head and captured her mouth with his.

He tasted like cinnamon and coffee. She parted her lips, inviting more. He didn't hesitate to deepen their kiss. Seconds extended into long minutes as the kiss changed from something sweet to something edgy.

In some just some part of her brain she knew he meant to offer comfort, but there was nothing simple about the way their mouths fused as one. She'd never been impacted like this by a simple kiss. There was absolutely nothing simple about it.

Her pager app went off with a shrill beep. She wished she could ignore it, but obviously couldn't. Breaking away from Alec, breathing heavily, she groped for her phone. With an effort, she focused her gaze on the words on the screen.
