Page 32 of Crushed Promises

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“We’re ready,” Shannon announced.

Alec’s phone vibrated again and he pulled it from his pocket. “I'm sorry, this is Rafe. Give me a few minutes, to take this.”

She nodded. “Sure.”

He lifted his phone to his ear and walked partially down the driveway, obviously looking for privacy. Maybe there had been some breaking news on their case. She wished he'd talk to her about it, but knew he wouldn't. Just as she couldn't breach patient privacy by giving him the name of the football player who’d sought treatment. Not that she could remember it anyway. She dropped down onto Alec’s front stoop to wait.

“Sit here beside me, Shannon.” Jillian patted the empty space. “Did you have fun at the doll store?”

“Yes. I got to spend the whole weekend with my daddy.” Shannon dropped beside her but gazed after her father.

“I bet you miss him when he's at work,” she murmured, noticing Shannon’s wistful gaze.

The little girl nodded. “He has to work a lot.”

“I know.” She frowned. “But he still loves you.”

“I love him, too.” Shannon played with Daisy’s leash, tugging to bring the dog back to them. “Dr. Jillian, is your job dangerous?”

“What?” For a moment the altercation she'd had with Barry Cox flashed in her mind, but she shoved it away. “No, of course not. Being a doctor is interesting, but not dangerous.”

“My daddy's job is dangerous.” Shannon bent over her knees to stare at her toes.

Uh-oh. Warning bells clamored in her mind. She glanced at the girl's bent head and asked, “Why did you ask that? Are you afraid for your daddy?”

“Sometimes.” Shannon spoke in a muffled tone. Then she lifted her head to gaze up at Jillian. “I overheard Aunt Amber talking about my daddy's knife wound.” Her brown eyes rounded. “Someone stabbed him!”

Yikes. She winced, knowing Alec wasn't going to like hearing that his daughter knew the truth. “Aw, sweetie, it's alright.” She wrapped her arm around the little girl's thin shoulders and hugged her close. “Your daddy is a smart man. He knows how to be safe.”

“I hope so.” But the troubled expression in Shannon’s eyes belied her words. The girl had already lost her mother, she knew better than anyone no one was one hundred percent safe all the time.

Jillian’s heart broke for the little girl. “Shannon, you can talk to me anytime. I am always willing to listen. But if you're really afraid for your dad, maybe you should talk to him. I bet he'd like to know how you're feeling, too.”

“I guess.” Shannon's gaze focused at a point toward the driveway. Then she shot to her feet when Alec turned toward them. And just that quickly the moment was gone. “Daddy? Can we go now?”

“Yep.” Alec held out his hand towards Shannon. His gaze met Jillian’s. “Are you ready?”

“Absolutely.” She stood and fell into step beside him. This wasn't the time to tell him about the little heart-to-heart she and Shannon had shared, but he should probably know about the little girl's fears.

They chatted about unimportant things, until they reached the foot of her driveway. She reached over to lightly clasp his hand. “Thanks for lunch.”

His surprised gaze dropped for a moment to their joined hands, then back up to her face. “You're welcome.”

Shannon was tugging on Daisy’s leash, seeming not to be paying too much attention. “Um, do you think we could talk more, later?” She tried to tell him with her gaze that it was important.

“Sure.” He didn't seem to get her silent message. “I'll give you a call.”

“Great.” She dropped his hand and turned to Shannon. “See you later.”

“Goodbye, Dr. Jillian.” Alec 's daughter surprised her by rushing over for a quick hug. She held the girl close suddenly glad she'd been there for her.

“Later.” The glint in his green eyes made her feel better. Maybe he did understand that it was important for them to talk. She needed him to understand what Shannon was going through.

As she watched the pair walk away, the tall man with his little girl skipping beside him, she realized she deeply cared for Alec and Shannon.

Far more than she should.

