Page 34 of Crushed Promises

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She turned and entered the order into the computer even as Lacy picked up the phone. Less than a minute later, Lacy turned toward her, her expression serious. “They’re ready. I'll take him to radiology.”

“Thank you.” Jillian watched as Lacy quickly wheeled the patient down the hall, where the radiology department was located.

She turned back to Alec. “Did you learn anything from our patient before he began to have seizures?” She kept her voice low so no one else could overhear. “Did he tell you who gave him the pills?”

“No.” Alec frowned. “I didn't learn as much as I would have liked. He admitted to taking the percocets, he actually threw them at me, claiming they didn't work anyway. Moments after that he fell to the ground in a full Grand Mal seizure. I suspect even percocets couldn't help the pain in his head if his head injury was getting worse.”

“No, they would not work.” The idea of someone taking advantage of these kids by providing illegal drugs made her feel sick. “Sounds like he should have come in for treatment right away.”

A dark shadow fell over Alec's eyes. “Yeah, no kidding. Makes me want to go have a chat with his coach.”

She fell silent for a moment, wondering what Frank’s CT scan would show. “He was lucky you showed up to question him.”

“It was our second time through. I'm convinced the kids know something, but they aren't talking. The little bit Frank revealed was the first breakthrough we have. And that’s not enough.” He couldn’t hide his frustration.

That was not good news. “I hope you get one of them to crack soon.”

“We will. No matter what it takes.” He sounded confident, looked almost invincible in his dark uniform, his shield and the gun on his hip.

He was very capable, yet she knew only too well he was flesh and blood beneath uniform. Hadn't she stitched him up once, already?

Didn't he realize just how worried Shannon was about his safety?

Glancing around to make sure she wasn't needed elsewhere, she lowered her voice. “Alec, I know it's none of my business, but maybe once this case is over you should consider finding a less dangerous job.”

He stared, obviously shocked by her abrupt change in subject. “Why on earth would you say that?”

Her gaze skittered from his. “Think about the danger you're constantly exposed to. There must be other positions within the Milwaukee Police Department that would be less risky.”

She forced herself to turn back to meet his gaze. For a long moment they stared at each other without speaking. Jillian’s heart sank as she realized he was not the least bit happy with her suggestion.

* * *

Annoyed,Alec hated to admit she was right. Once he'd considered taking the sergeant’s exam. But that had been a long time ago. Yet how he conducted his life wasn't any of her business. Why on earth had Jillian brought this up now? “I'm not really in that much danger. Smart cops enjoy long, healthy careers.” It was true, yet there was no denying the current climate put cops in the center of danger more than ever before.

Jillian crossed her arms protectively over her chest, her gaze still troubled. “Shannon needs you, Alec. She's already lost one parent, she doesn't need to lose another.”

Anger spiked, hot and swift. “I love my daughter. I'd never do anything to hurt her.”

“Not on purpose,” she agreed. “But don't you realize how much she depends on you?”

Yes, he did. He loved Shannon with his whole heart, but sometimes the realization of just how dependent she was on him for her well-being was scary. No matter what he did for a living, the responsibility of being a parent wouldn't go away.

Still, his career wasn't always dangerous and he refused to feel guilty for having a job he loved. He was about to say something more, when a horrible thought hit him. “Did Shannon tell you she was worried about me being hurt on the job?”

Jillian hesitated and then nodded in relief. “Yes. I'm sorry, I had to tell you. I don't want to break her confidence, but you need to talk to her, Alec. Somehow she overheard your family talking about your knife wound. She knows you were stabbed. She asked me about it.”

His gut clenched. He hadn't wanted that fact to slip out. Troubled by the news, he slowly nodded. “I will talk to her. I don't want her to be afraid.

“I'm sure she's thinking the worst because she already lost her mother.” Jillian might be trying to make him feel better but it wasn't working.

Because that was exactly the point.

This was why he’d promised not to make any changes that would upset Shannon. Only he hadn’t really considered how his daughter would feel about his career.

“Dr. Davis? Your seizure patient is on his way back from the CT scanner.”

“Thank you.” She lightly squeezed his arm. “I'm sorry. I'm sure Shannon will feel much better after the two of you have a heart-to-heart.”
