Page 37 of Crushed Promises

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Something she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

“I—feel the need to apologize,” Alec’s voice was low and husky. “I shouldn't have kissed you. I really need to go home to my daughter.” He looked so miserable, her disappointment faded.

“Of course. I understand.” And she did. She swallowed her regret, forcing a smile. The way he put his daughter first, was one of the things she admired about him.

He let out a long sigh. She forced herself to take a step back, giving him room. She was about to turn away, when he reached out to grasp her arm.

“Wait a minute. What about Thursday?”

“Thursday?” She repeated, trying to understand what he was getting at. “What's special about Thursday?”

He flushed. “I just remembered, Shannon has a brownie Girl Scout day camp on Thursday. My sister Andrea is taking the girls and offered to keep Shannon overnight. I happen to be off that day, although I was considering an extra shift.” He took a step toward her. “If you're free, I would love to take you out for dinner.”

She hesitated, then nodded. How could she refuse? “I’m working day shift, Thursday so yes. I would love to have dinner.”

“Thank you.” Alec caught her in a quick hug. “I’ll make reservations at DiCarlos Italian restaurant downtown. Will that work for you? It’s a Monroe family favorite.”

His eagerness made her smile. She nodded. “It's a date.”

* * *

Alec had trouble falling asleep,thoughts of Jillian had him tossing and turning for what seemed like hours before he finally succumbed to restless slumber. What seemed like five minutes later, Shannon and Daisy jumped into his bed to wake him up.

“Daddy, don't be such a sleepyhead!” No soft, gentle patting of his cheek this morning, Shannon bounced on the mattress, full of energy. “Wake up, Daddy! You promised to make French toast and bacon this morning for breakfast!”

Had he? He groaned. Must have sounded like a good idea at the time. Prying one eye open, he tried to read the screen of his alarm clock. Seven in the morning. It could have been worse. And that his lack of sleep was his own fault for kissing Jillian. Suppressing a pathetic moan, he pulled himself upright.

“I'm awake.” Or he would be once he downed a full pot of coffee.

“Good!” Shannon scrambled off the bed and Daisy followed.

He stumbled to the kitchen, heading straight for the coffee maker as Shannon began to help assemble the ingredients for their breakfast. Despite his fatigue, he couldn't help but grin. Shannon's sunny disposition had a way of putting him in a good mood no matter what. It was something he hadn’t appreciated before she’d come to live with him.

“What’s so funny, Daddy?” Shannon asked, tilting her head to one side.

Realizing he probably looked like an idiot, grinning at her, he pulled himself together. “Nothing is funny, munchkin. I'm just happy.”

“I like it when you're happy,” Shannon announced.

Her innocent remark stopped him mid stride.

Shannon liked it when he was happy. Being with her made him happy. And so did being with Jillian. Yesterday Shannon had played doctor and had asked when they were going to see Jillian again. He'd mentioned going to the park over the weekend, promising to stop by to see if Jillian was home.

Was it possible he was making a big deal out of nothing? Eyeing his daughter, it was obvious Shannon had come a long way from the crying, and emotionally unstable little girl she'd been when he first brought her home. She'd blossomed over the past few months. Had settled into their new routine without too much trouble. His family had helped, but he’d made her his primary focus, too. Which was why he’d made that promise not to disrupt her life ever again.

Was it wishful thinking on his part, that the promise he'd made might no longer be needed?

There was no reason to think Shannon would be traumatized by his having a relationship with Jillian. If anything, his daughter would only benefit from the added security of a happy family.

Emphasis on family.

Shannon already used Jillian as a confidant. He still needed to sit her down to discuss her fears. But that aside, he noticed Shannon dropping hints on how much she wished she had a brother or sister to play with, like her cousin Bethany, who had a younger brother, Ben. Shannon would no doubt be delighted if he were to have a child with Jillian.

Whoa. What was he thinking? Marriage came before a family.

Marriage? Family? With Jillian?

A fist squeezed in his chest, making it hard to breathe. He set down his coffee without tasting a drop. Wide awake now, without the benefit of caffeine, he sank into the kitchen chair.
