Page 25 of Mile High Salvation

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She shakes her head. “No, it’s not that, it’s just that... that... I mean, Eric’s—”

I place a hand on her arm. “I’m joking. It’s for sure a sixty-year-old’s watch.”

She looks relieved, and after I buy the watch, we continue shopping. But it doesn’t matter what store we go into, there’s always something that reminds me of him and I wonder if I should seek professional help after all.

Then, I tell myself, for the tenth time, that it’s silly. It’s just a breakup. Did I get closure? No, but that doesn’t change the fact that Eric doesn’t want me and chose himself instead.

“So, how’s married life?” I ask her when we stop in a small store that sells handmade gifts.

She tries to hide her smile as she fingers some scarves with eclectic patterns on them. “It’s all right, I guess.”

“Just all right?” I nudge her with my hip. “I thought Carter hung the moon and the stars.”

She looks at me. “He does.”

“Then what?” I ask, suddenly worried about my friend. They’d had the most gorgeous, over-the-top mountain wedding in this huge mansion and then flew off in a helicopter after the reception. It was downright dreamy.

“I just don’t want to talk about how happy I am when you’re so miserable. I’m sorry.” She gives me a sympathetic look.

How sweet. “Please don’t do that. I need some kind of hope for the future. I’m almost twenty-eight, and was hoping to be married by thirty. Looks like that isn’t going to happen.”

She squeezes my arm. “Hey, you never know. This state is full of hot and sexy men. You’re gorgeous, Chris. You’ll meet someone. Someone who’s right for you, someone who treats you like a queen and who you’re compatible with in every way. Don’t worry.”

I want to tell her that I already had all those things with her brother, but for some reason she seems to be against him and me being together. When we were, she was so busy planning her wedding that we hardly went out as couples. I don’t know if she’s being overprotective or what, but it makes me sad that she wouldn’t be happy for us. I’m holding out hope that Eric will come home and be better, maybe feel like he’s vindicated himself and that little girl.

“Ooh, what about Declan? Do you want me to set you guys up? He’s single, good-looking, and successful. I mean, he’s a bit of a player, but maybe he just needs to settle—”

“No,” I cut her off. That guy is definitely a player and not my type. “I’m good. I’ll find someone. Thanks, though.” I force a smile and wander to the back of the store where there is handmade jewelry and T-shirts.

I need to break out of this funk, this depression. I keep wondering if I’d not be so down if Eric would at least talk to me. Somehow reassure me that he didn’t run from me, he just needed space. But I don’t know any of those things. Taryn says her conversations with him are brief and usually over text since their cell service is shit in Kenya, and also expensive. And he never mentions me.

I need a hobby. To get my mind off of this.

I see Taryn paying at the register and head to the front of the store so we can continue our shopping.


“How are you doing,baby?”

God, I hate that question. I force a smile at my mom at the dinner table. “Fine, Mom. I’m fine.”

She narrows her green eyes at me and points a pink-painted fingernail at me. “No, you’re not, Christa Marie.”

I glance at my dad, and he’s looking expectantly at me. My brother is also staring. “What?”

“Why you been so mopey lately?” my brother Brett, asks.

“None of your business, nosy.” I dip my fork in the mashed potatoes and shovel a huge bite into my mouth.

Brett makes a face and says, “You’re a pig.”

“No,youare,” I reply with my mouth full, like I’m seven years old again. He’s been calling me names since before I could even talk to reply. But I still love the jerk.

Brett’s girlfriend, Larissa, who’s seven months pregnant, slaps Brett’s arm. “Knock it off. Don’t call her that.”

“She’s used to it,” my dad chimes in, his brown eyes crinkling at the corners, his salt and pepper mustache lifting with a smirk.

“Eat your fried chicken, Dad,” I mutter, and he winks at me.
