Page 88 of Mile High Salvation

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Five Months Later


Carter’s backyard iscovered in red, white, and blue decorations.

Kids swim and splash in the pool and I have to make a wide berth around the deep end as an older child does a cannonball and practically splashes all the water out of the pool. He emerges with a flourish, and does a big victory shout with an air punch.

“David Chin, don’t do that again!”

I look over to see Jeff, Carter’s lead tech guy at his company, yelling at his son.

I chuckle. “Cut the kid a break, he’s having fun,” I say to him.

He smiles up at me. “I know. He’s just so full of energy.”

“Boys,” I say with a wink behind my sunglasses, heading back to the chair next to Christa.

“I can’t believe he invited his whole company over for the holiday,” she says, popping a pretzel in her mouth.

“He only has like ten employees and they didn’t all show up. I think it’s a perfect crowd.”

Taryn comes over to us, holding her three-month-old son, Killian, over her shoulder, patting his back. My nephew is as bald as an egg and has his dad’s big blue eyes. He lets out a huge burp and then dribbles spit-up down her back.

I make a face. “Uh, I think he just puked on you,” I tell my sister.

“Dammit,” she says. She wipes his mouth with his shirt and plops him in my lap. “Hold him while I go change my shirt.”

Christa laughs. “Well, aren’t you the cutest little thing ever.”

He sort of stands on my thighs, his tiny bare feet holding up his chubby body. He stares at me with his little rotund lips parted and blinks blond eyelashes. “I’m your Uncle Eric. If you’re nice and don’t puke on me, I’ll buy you your first electric toddler car when you’re old enough.”

He beams a big smile, milky drool dribbling out of his mouth. I copy my sister’s actions and wipe it with the little guy’s shirt that has an American flag on it.

“Gimme,” Christa says, lifting him out of my arms and sitting him on her lap. “You have to face him out so he can see everything. He’s a nosy little thing. I think he gets FOMO. That’s what Taryn says why he hates taking naps.”

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