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“I told you this was a stupid plan, Kian!”

The leader of the two, I now know, is Kian, curses as he turns around and stares at his accomplices.

“Don’t use my real name, you arsehole!” he yells, pushing him.

“Shit, oh well, not like we are getting out of this alive. What’s the big plan here? Do you even have one?” The other guy snaps.

“Yes, I fucking have one. But do you think I’m going to tell you, Frank? Fuck no, especially in front of that bitch. Now get back to work, we are running behind schedule!” Kian snaps before putting his goggles back on. He lifts his ear protectors and is about to place them on his head when the walkie-talkie makes a sound. He looks down at it and frowns before picking it up.

“Is this coming through?” Calvin's voice rings through the room and my heart skips a beat. he’s here! If he’s here, that means the others are too. I start calling through the duct tape, but Kian grabs his gun and points it at me.

“One noise, and I will kill you. Understood?”

I nod quickly and watch as he lifts the walkie-talkie to his mouth.

“Who is this?”

“This is Calvin Anderson; I am here to negotiate the release of the woman you have taken hostage.”


My heart beats hard as I wait and listen for a response. This could go one of three ways. One, they respond, and we can negotiate Chelsea's release. Two, they could refuse all contact, and we have to do things the hard way, which could result in Chels getting hurt or, worse, killed. Or three, they kill her to show us they are in charge.

“You will get her back when I’m ready to send her back,” his voice comes back through the walkie-talkie I took from one of his guys Drew killed. I force myself to take a calming breath. Fuck this is hard.

“Is there anything we can do to help speed that process up?” I ask, looking at Gordon, who has come down with me. We are currently squatting down just out of view from the door that leads to the basement. We still don’t have any eyes on what’s going on down there. Logan has been fighting with the security feed, but it’s down completely. He thinks they have cut through many wires, which could take hours to find and repair. Whilst he comes up with a new plan, I’m left with the job of speaking to the prick that has my woman.

“Unless you are offering to come down and help us dig, then no.”

“Would you consider letting me swap places with the hostage?” I ask. I can feel Gordon’s eyes on me, and I know Logan will have my ass for suggesting it. But I need to get her out of there and to Luna. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out to see a message from Logan.

Houdini: Bug is out, unharmed. We have one of their guys in custody who is feeding us information.

“Do you really think I am that stupid? Now fuck off.”

Fucking asshole prick. The fucker still thinks he’s in charge, but he will soon learn his boss has sent him to his death, as when he feels my wrath, he will pray for the devil to take him.

“Well, at least let us know she’s okay,” I reply, trying every technique I have ever learnt to keep my cool. My Phone buzzes again, and I look down to another message.

Houdini: Bambi’s going into the ceilings to try and get eyes inside of the room.

If Drew is no longer looking for people, that must mean the building has been secured. Does this really only leave two people to get all that cocaine out of the room? Something doesn’t add up here; there have to be more people somewhere to help them, or are they expecting more to turn up? I need to speak to Christian, but not until I have proof that Chels is still alive in there.

“I need proof of life of the hostage otherwise, all negotiations will be off, and we will just come straight in. The choice is yours.” The fact that they are no longer replying does not help my growing fears.

“She’s a little tied up at the moment,” the guy replies as my jaw clenches. I know Logan is listening in and wait to see if he has anything to add before I reply.

Houdini: Their guy says she has hands and ankles tied with cable ties, and her mouth is covered with duct tape. I believe him. Get back here and get as much info from him as you can.

I look back to the door and hate that I have to leave her in there. I want to kick down the door and take them out, but right now, we have no idea what they have in there as a precaution. We have to take this slow and steady, which is the opposite of what I want to do now. I lift the phone to my mouth and close my eyes as I say the one thing she will want to know.

“Fine, but let her know we have bug who is unharmed. I will be in touch soon.”



I rush from the building and head straight for Logan's van.
