Page 87 of Flip Shot

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“That’s brutal.”

“I was pissed.” He shrugs.

“Not on your end. On hers.”

“I was more pissed at him. Still more pissed at him.”

“Pretty sure I’d feel the same. No revenge taken?”

“Odd question.” He chuckles.

“Not really,” I say quietly as I feel my face heat up.

“Spill it,” he insists as he takes another bite.

So I do. I tell him about prom, and how I will not ever wear heels again, and that I bloodied Molly’s nose, and oh yeah, she was John Stevenson’s girlfriend, but it was totally on accident. “She decided to make me pay for what I did to her, and when she was digging to find out who I was, she found our mutual friends on social media included her boyfriend. She made him snap me.” I feel sick to my stomach and shake my head. “Plans were made to meet up, and even though it was clear through conversations I was actually having with her that we’d never met up before, she didn’t stop there. So, I met up with—her and not him—and she had a friend recording her calling me a whore and so many other disgusting things that would have gone viral if it was shared.”


“Yep, because when she attacked me, I kicked her five-foot-ten ass all over the baseball field. Then I took the phone from her friend, who was also a mutual, and threatened to do the same to her. She gave me the phone, and I deleted it from her camera roll, and the cloud, and took it with me, telling her she could have it the next day at school, just because I wanted to make sure it was actually gone.”

“That’s badass.”

“It was instinct. All I kept thinking about was those documentaries about mean girls who kill other girls and how pissed my mom would be if I died.” I laugh.

All humor leaves his face. “You can’t do that shit ever again, and we need to work on your impulse control.”

“What?” I laugh.

“You’re five-foot-two and like a hundred pounds, Riley Park. You took on a D1 football player the other night, and—”

“In a bar full of people.”

He shakes his head. “No.”


“No. You don’t fight your own fights anymore. You come to me.”

I roll my eyes.

“Never wanted to spank an ass more in my life than I do right now.”

Even though he’s saying it out of frustration, it’s kind of hot.

“Never thought I’d want my ass spanked before now, either.”

He runs his hand up and down his face, and then he looks me over, jaw ticking, nostrils flaring, and everything inside me blazes.

“Favorite color?” Before I can answer, he does for me. “Pink.”

I nod. “Yours?”


“Which is technically a very hot pink. Sort of.”

He nods. “One could say that.”
