Page 95 of Flip Shot

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As soon as he leaves the room, I jump up, hurry to the door, and watch as two of the brothers take either side of him and as Tyler winks at Grace.

When they’re out of the house, Ellie, Leah, Grace, and Taya all run into my room where I am handed each and every one of their phones. I airdrop four videos to myself, and then we watch the videos and laugh hysterically.

“He’s going to kill you.” Grace giggles.

“Oh no, he’s not. He’s high on head right now.”

Ellie gives me a high-five. “Good call.”

I don’t tell them that’s the first blow job I’ve ever given, or that it definitely won’t be the last.

My man is delicious.

Chapter 21



Monday October 7th

Dear Simone,

From what I understand, there is no one who knows everything there is to know about Riley Romano Park like you do, because of this, I wanted to make sure that you’re kept well informed and updated.

Less than three weeks ago, the girl who claimed to “love us” not only allowed me to be kidnapped, which led to me almost getting killed by a cock—more accurately, The Cock. She not only allowed this all to happen but assisted in planning the act and made damn sure I was in a weakened state before it all went down.

Yet, here I am.

Less than two weeks ago, she was the cause of me being late for practice for the very first time because I am unable to tell her no when she looks at me—or in this case, my dick—with objectifying eyes and licks her hot AF lips. We skated lines for an hour straight, on a Saturday morning, after I insisted they all attend a party hosted by Tappy—the frat Koa—and I are being used in hope’s of their rank going up. They were last, so it couldn’t possibly go down—many puked on the ice. Many.

Yet, here I am.

Less than a week ago, RRP tricked me into getting a manicure and pedicure with her before a date night event we attended together that had me up way past my bedtime, completely fucking with the schedule I keep in order to keep in top condition for my sport.

Yet, here I am.

One might say I’m pussy whipped, and I wouldn’t be the man I have become, the man my father will always be proud of, the man she deserves, if I denied the truth in that.

But the truth, Simone, is deeper. A year ago, I saw her and immediately felt my universe shift. From that first night, I loved her whole vibe and her confidence. Then it was the sound of her voice and the magic in her laughter. In the way all her different smiles hold distinct meanings, and the way her eyes sparkle when she feels joy. I loved the way she celebrated not only her wins, but others, as well. I loved that Riley Park cares genuinely about others, and that she goes out of her way to do things to make people feel seen and heard.

It’s been a year since we met, and from the moment I saw her, I’ve allowed my imagination to construct who she was. Not to toot my own horn, but if this hockey thing doesn’t work out, along with my guardian angel, I would make one hell of a psychic. I was right about all of those things, and as haunting as that realization is, it’s just the tip.

We stumbled a bit, we skinned our knees, and then we got back up. Against some significant odds, we made it.

I can finally add that I love the way her lips feel on mine, the way she tastes and the way she feels around me. I love the happiness and laughter she inspires and looking at the world through her eyes. I love who she is and who she’s to become. And I love the way I, Theo Rivera, love life again.

So here I am, completely enchanted.

Ending on all ups and zero sucks



I flop backon my bed, tears falling down my face, probably ruining my makeup, holding the letter I found sitting on top of my journal, in the middle of my bed.

