Page 15 of Cauldrons & Curses

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He nods at Nate acknowledging his greeting, “I have Angie sitting with a sketch artist working on a composite drawing of the man she saw standing over you. She didn’t get a great look but it’s better than nothing. You didn’t happen to get a look at him did you?”

I shake my head but have to stop because it makes it hurt more. I bring my hand back to try to stop it from ringing so badly but not on the side Nate told me not to touch. “Before you said it was a ‘he’, I didn’t even know that much.”

“Can you tell us what happened?”

“I…I was…packing. To leave the island and someone kept knocking on my door but when I opened it no one was in the hallway. The third time I was fed up and decided to go down to talk to Angie about it. I was at the top when,” I close my eyes and try to put myself back in that moment, “I heard heavy footsteps rush towards me and then he pushed me, right in the middle of my back. I didn’t have time to think or try to turn around or reach out. I was just falling.”

“And that’s when you felt it?” Don looks to Nate, so I do too. Nate nods.

“Felt it? Felt what?”

“You…screamed for me when you were falling and I…heard it.”

That doesn’t make any sense. To hear it he would have to be at the inn, right? “Heard it? How did you hear me call your name when you were…?”

“His nose bled too.” Don supplies the information even though Nate looks like he might not want to tell me.

“His nose bled?” I look up at Nate. “Why would your nose bleed…?”

“The moment you took a tumble down the stairs?” Nate finishes my thought for me.

“Because the two of you are destined mates.” I jump a little at the cheery voice of Annabeth. What is she doing here? And right behind her is Ruth.

“Destiny. Tied to each other the way all Magnus couples have been since Deliverance and Nathanial.”

Chapter Twelve



“It’s…a thing that happens. Probably a curse.” I frown and look away.

“It’s a blessing. And one that kept Deliverance alive and safe until Nathanial could take her to a safer place.” Annabeth contradicts me quickly. “Our island.”

Nova looks back and forth from one person to the next, finally settling her eyes on mine. “What does it mean?”

“It means, what you feel I feel. If you’re hurt, I’m hurt. It’s one of the reasons my mom didn’t live very long after my dad passed. We’re…connected.”

“You…felt me fall?”

“I felt the aftermath of the fall. I could sense you were in danger. I could hear you call for me.”

She looks up at me from under her thick lashes, some could mistake it for being coy but I realize it’s embarrassment. “So…the dream…”

“I drifted off for a while and we…shared…” She looks everywhere but me now.

“Shared?” Annabeth speaks up and moves closer to the two of us wanting to find out what we are talking about. “You two can share dreams? That’s not in any of the books.”

I fight the urge to roll my eyes at her. We need all the help we can get because of how little time we have left. Whoever this guy is, he’s already tried to attack Nova once and I doubt that is going to be the last time.

“So…what’s our game plan here? How are we going to keep everyone safe and stop him from hurting anyone else?” Don is the one who asks the hard questions everyone else has been dancing around. “I put men out in the forest and this son of a bitch shows up at the inn. How am I supposed to predict where he’s going to hit next?”

“I have Annabeth and Ruth reading through all of the historical material and once Nova and I get some rest we’ll check in with my grandmother and Deliverance’s journals.”

“I’ll have Angie’s drawing to show you all once we all meet back here later. Until then, I would check on her every hour or so just to make sure she doesn’t have a full-blown concussion.”

“I’ll make sure she’s taken care of, Don. Thank you for all your help. Thank all of you for everything.”
