Page 21 of Demon

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“Robert something.”

My eyes go to Demon. “Robert the guard was helping your old lady?”

My dad nods.

“Dad…he…he tried to…” I swallow trying to get the words out.

“I had to put that bastard down before he attacked my angel.”

“That…she sent him in there. He was supposed to hurt her first while she and Snake slipped away.”

My stomach rolls.

“You killed him?”

Demon gives my dad a nod. “Good. Some dogs need to be put down.”

My eyes widen and I look at my father, really look at him. He’s never…been this violent…or at least this vocal about it. My dad notices the shocked look on my face.

“He was trying to hurt my daughter, my only child because he was fucking my bitch of a wife. You damned right he needs to be dealt with.”

“So, Snake wasn’t meant to come after Eden to start with.” All eyes in the room now turn to Odin. “That means Snake was coming after you, Edmond.”

“Daddy?” I look at my father with worry in my eyes.

“So why did he come after Eden now? Are we sure he wasn’t still coming after Edmond?”

“No, the message was about Eden. He is definitely coming after her.” My father brushes the concern for himself away and brings everyone’s focus back on me.

“That means she’ll be coming for you, Edmond. Not wanting to send someone to do her dirty work for her.”

“I’m not worried about me. I’m worried about my child.”

“Dad!” I’m not a child any longer.

“When do we think he’ll try again? Does he have any clue where she is? Does he know about Demon?”

“I have a man who might be able to help with that.” My dad turns and looks towards another door. And in steps Cricket.

“Cricket!” Me and Demon say it at the same time. You can tell I’m a lot happier - or at least a lot more willing to show it - but even Demon has a smile on his face. They slap each other’s hands in greeting, doing that buddy thing. He takes my hand and gives it a friendly squeeze.

“Ed get you out too,” Odin asks.

“Nah, my time was up. That’s what made the riot so damned scary. I was afraid I was going to be killed before I got a chance to be an honest man. But Mr. Edmond didn’t forget about me.”

“I asked him after everyone got settled back down if he could find anything out for me. Anything that someone like me might not be able to find. And he didn’t disappoint.”

“Word on the street is old Snake is planning a Halloween surprise for Ms. Eden here. He knows Demon got her and brought her here. He also knows that the Sons help out the local police force on that night with other MCs and gangs. That’s when he’s going to try to take her. And he wants her alive.”

Demon is vibrating with anger. I can feel it rolling off him. “I’ll give him a give him a fucking treat he’ll carry around with him his whole god damn life. What little is left of it.”

“Can you keep her safe?”

My back bristles at my dad speaking around me. Again. “Demon can keep me safer than any other man alive. He kept me safe during a prison riot, Dad! I think he’s already proven his ability to protect me.”

“Easy, angel. Your father’s just concerned that I might not do the best I can do because I might be all caught up…in you.” My heart thunders in my ears at the simple words.

“And are you? All caught up?”
