Page 41 of Just One Taste

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“I took your cousin Rachel out there a couple of weeks ago to look around.”

“Trespassing?” Paige teased.

Daniel shrugged. “I’m neither confirming nor denying.”

That had Paige laughing. “Talk about cover your ass.”

“Yeah, well, after we walked around, she agreed with your assessment. Great bones. So with a little help from Devlin, I tracked down the owners.”

Now Paige’s eyes were sparkling with interest, and Siobhan would guess anticipation.

“They’re asking a very reasonable price.”

“Really?” Paige looked back at the papers on the desk then up to him. “So these are—”

“Drawings Rachel whipped up for me. Preliminary only. They’d need final approval.”

Her gaze turned back to the pages, leaning over she fingered some of the designs. “These are great. What do you need for final approval?”

Fumbling in his pocket, Daniel pulled out a black velvet box.

Siobhan had to slap her hands over her mouth to stop the delighted gasp from revealing the couple had three voyeurs.

Even Rachel’s jaw dropped to the floor. “He didn’t say he was going to propose,” she whispered.

For Siobhan’s liking, Cooper was awfully quiet. Suddenly he dragged his eyes away from Paige and Daniel long enough to notice both Rachel and Siobhan glaring at him. “What? So I might happen to know Eve helped him pick out a ring.”

Only the need for utter silence stopped Siobhan from growling at the man.

Finally, after willing her to speak, Paige looked up from the blueprints. Her gaze went from eye level down to where Daniel rested on one knee, the open box in his hand. Just like Rachel, her jaw fell, and like Siobhan, Paige’s hand flew to her mouth.

“I’ve practiced this a thousand times a day, every day, ever since I decided, no matter what happened with the team, I couldn’t go back to living without you. Will you be my wife and share my life and home?”

Paige stared, not a word coming out of her mouth.

“Lord love a duck,” Siobhan muttered. “Hurry up and say yes.”

“If you don’t like the house, we can buy another one, or rent, or—”

His words were cut off when Paige threw herself at him, knocking them both off their feet and onto the floor. If she said anything, Siobhan didn’t hear it, but judging from the way she kissed his mouth, his cheeks, his nose and back to his mouth, Siobhan took a wild guess. “I think that’s a yes.”

“For a second there I thought we all got it wrong,” Cooper said.

“Of course not.” Rachel shook her head at her brother. “Any fool can see those two are crazy about each other.”

“All right.” Siobhan might be the youngest of the crowd, but apparently she was the only one with any sense. A hand at each cousin’s back, she nudged them away from the window. “Let’s get out of here and let them have a little privacy.”

“Don’t I get to see him slip the ring on her finger?” Rachel asked over her shoulder.

“No,” Siobhan and Cooper echoed.

When Rachel gave her brother a sharp glare, he shrugged. “What can I say, the kid is right.”

Oh how she hated it when her family referred to her as a kid. She could probably grow old, collect social security, and they’d still call her kid. Had she been the one on the receiving end of a marriage proposal, they’d probably step in and insist not until she was thirty-five or fifty. She didn’t have to worry about whether she wanted a good man like her sisters, her family would never let anyone within a hundred feet of her.

Glancing over her shoulder at the library window, she couldn’t help but think: and wasn’t that a damn shame.
