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Prince Rainier returned and led Felix around to show him. He’d eat in the kitchen, and once he proved he could be a good Kitten, he’d be permitted to read the books, and if he wanted, he could go walking outside.

Prince Rainier’s voice took on a serious note as he led Felix into the bedroom. “You are my Kitten, but you’re still a man, and I don’t want you trapped inside for an entire six months. That’s not healthy, and you need interaction and stimulation beyond sex and kitty play.” He crouched and studied Felix's face. “I will tell you things to do, so don’t be worried if you forget something. I can tell the difference between forgetting and disobedience. You do understand that you’re not to walk for the next three days, right?”

Felix nodded.

“You're permitted to stand to use the privy, but you better be back on your knees right after. If you walk, and Lance catches you, he will give you two with a cane. If you keep breaking those rules, you’ll get more strokes, and if I come back to find a bunch of cane marks on your ass, you’ll be in a cock cage for a week.”

Felix had never worn a cock cage for a week, and he never wanted to find out what that was like.

Prince Rainier pointed to one side of the room where a cage was. “You’ll also sleep in that at night and have your freedom restricted once I give you a good strapping. I'm not into causing severe pain, but I will punish you if needed. For now, the cock cage is only for training because it’s not a favorite thing of mine.”

Felix nodded. If he broke the rules, he’d suffer the consequences. He liked firm dominants who weren’t afraid to punish him.

I think you’ll be a good Kitten, right?” Prince Rainier tickled the underside of his chin. “I’m not too strict in general, and I’d rather not punish you.”

Firm dominants were even better when they had a sweet side.

Prince Rainier took a few things out of a drawer while Felix sat on the floor. The bed was pretty big, and on the other side in the corner of the room was a huge cushion that was sort of like a cat bed.

A few cat toys were spread around the floor, and Prince Rainier said he could practice playing with them tomorrow. With some practice, he wouldn't feel so awkward or embarrassed.

The paws were still locked on him, and when he looked at them closely, he noticed the toe beans weren’t fully sewn on. The top and bottoms were open, and Prince Rainier noticed him looking.

“It’s for air. You’ll get breaks from them during the day, but it’s so your skin doesn’t get too sweaty. Lance will draw a bath for you tomorrow, so you’ll be able to clean yourself up too.” He sat on the bed and patted it. “Come here, Kitten.”

Felix hurried to get next to him, and the headband with his ears was removed and replaced with a pink pair. The collar came next, and the new one was pink with a shiny silver bell. The Prince tossed a pair of pads on the bedside table and said those were for his knees.

“Lance can put those on for you tomorrow. He knows when to gag you and when to take things off or put them on. Do you still feel safe?”

Felix nodded.

“What’s your safety signal if I have you restrained, and you can’t clap?”

Felix shook his head no and fluttered his lashes. Either would do.

“If you feel safe, but you need to say something important like if you feel sick or something is wrong when you’re gagged, put your paws together and keep them like that. That’s also if you need water. Show me.”

Felix pressed the bottoms of his paws together like when human’s prayed.

“You are allowed to ask questions, but don’t use that just to get out of being gagged. Your safety word if you're not gagged is Norian. Can you remember that? Good. Is there anything you want to ask now?”

Felix thought for a moment. He was rather curious to know if the Prince would ever take him out in the yard at night to fuck him. He was sure that was a pretty silly kink, and it wasn’t important to ask now. He could do it some other time, so he shook his head since he had no other questions at the moment.

“After three days, you won't have to wait for permission to speak unless we're actually playing. I would like to talk to you, learn stuff about you, and go out with you so we can do stuff. You also need time to be you, but I want you practicing first. That’s your focus for now.”

Felix nodded. He preferred being obedient and not a brat, so he probably wouldn’t even be truly punished. The threat and knowing it would happen was usually enough. Prince Rainier leaned in to take his chin and stroke it again.

“Unfortunately, I do have some things to deal with at home for a few days, but I’ll be back every night to see you, okay? There is one thing you’re allowed to say if you’re not gagged, and that’s meow. There’s one other when you cum. Do you remember what it was?”

Felix remembered, and he tapped the Prince’s chest.

“Exactly. You can say my name.”

Felix made a noise to show he understood, hoped he’d be railed now, and he reached to touch the Prince’s inner thigh.

“I like an eager Kitten.”

Felix decided to try something, and he suddenly leaned back before he crawled farther away and shot the Prince a “come get me” look over his shoulder before he stuck out his ass.
