Page 100 of Quaternion

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I blink sweat from my eyes and turn my head on its pillow of skin.

Gabe’s eyes, shifted to olive with worry, stare back at me. “You okay?”

I nod and try to lift my head but a burning hand wraps around my neck and holds me still. As I come back to myself, I feel another constriction across my lower back. Another around my left thigh.

“Yeah,” I whisper to Gabe, licking my lips. “You restrained me?”

He grins and shakes his head. “Darwin’s still out of it, but he’s not ready to let you go. He’s got you pinned so tight to him I was afraid he was smothering you.”

I grin back at him and nestle into the body enclosing mine. I’m vaguely aware that he’s far too hot. I’m also vaguely aware that my ward is keeping him from burning up the bedding. There’s a hint of crisped cotton in the air, but it smells nice, like Bonfire Night. Princely can afford to replace the sheets.

And the mattress. And the dorm, if it comes to that.

“Did you feel it?” I ask Gabe from within my Darwin-cocoon.

He nods. “Sure did. You healed the dead spot.”

“And created a new ley line,” I whisper, feeling my way through what we did. It’s right there, pulsing under my skin. I feel it stretching toward the unicorn pool, meeting up with others, then arcing away, to ... somewhere. I can’t feel where it goes, but I feel where it returns to the spot where I am, carrying with it the scent of thick, moist loam, a hint of jasmine, a salty ocean tang. The smells of far away.

“Teddy, a ley linewithinyou?”

That’s what it feels like. “Let’s hope it’s rooted here.”

I don’t want to carry a ley line within me. Energy moves along ley lines. Positive energy. Negative energy. Earthly energy. Otherworldly energy. I don’t want all that energy funneling through me.

Gabe’s forehead creases and he shifts from where he was lying in the pillows, watching me, his hand gentle on my shoulder. “Should I call The Mr. Black? Or Doctor Prince?”

“Not yet.” If the ley line isn’t rooted under the dorm, I’ll be calling them. “You didn’t finish.”

He lifts his eyebrows as his crooked grin peeps out. “Seriously? After that?”

I nod as much as Darwin’s grip allows. “You promised me multiple orgasms.”

Gabe barks a laugh. “I’d never break a promise to you, baby girl.”

“Better had not,” I say, shifting a little against Darwin’s hold, stretching my back. That’s when I discover Darwin’s still in me, locked nice and tight. “Fairy stamina,” I say to myself.

Gabe chuckles. “Is he still hard? He tried to sleep inside me once. I ached so bad after an hour I wanted to kill him.”

I’m not aching yet and I can heal myself if I need to. I actually like the stretch. A lot. Feels like we’re meant to fit together this way.

“You’re still okay with this?” I ask Gabe, just to check in. There’s nothing but warmth in his eyes, but that was definitely a Darwin and me round, rather than the three of us.

He runs his fingertips up and down my arm. “Yeah, all good. I like watching the two of you together. You give him what he needs. I can’t do that right now. I’m glad you can.”

I unglue my arm from under Darwin’s shoulder and reach out to cup Gabe’s cheek. “Baby boy.”

He smiles into my palm. “I’m okay with it, Teddy. Dar and I—we’ve never been like you are with him. He treats you like an equal. He’s never dealt with me that way.”

“He should,” I say. And I’ll make sure he does in future. That’s straight bullshite that he treats Gabe like a subordinate.

Gabe shrugs. “It used to work. It was our thing. But it doesn’t anymore. We need to figure out something new.”

“We will,” Darwin murmurs.

“You are dead sly, mate,” I grumble. I didn’t even feel his breathing change as he woke. His dick didn’t twitch.

Darwin chuckles.ThatI feel. He jerks inside me. We both wince.
