Page 160 of Quaternion

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The first thingI see when we step back out of the Fae Way into the library is Hog pinned to the floor by something that looks like a hairy tree branch. The tree branch is bouncing up and down enthusiastically.

“You’re having a laugh, mate,” I grumble.

“We’re calling her Sparkle,” Gabe says, gleefully. He’s lying on his stomach on a floor cushion, his feet in the air, his laptop open in front of him, tapping away.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“Taking notes. I’ve been telling you how shy bog fae are. There’s only a handful of recorded observations of their mating habits. This is thesis material, baby girl.”

“This isnotshy.”

Darwin, who is back in his chair, sipping a cup of tea with a book open on his lap, chuckles. “That’s for sure. You should have seen her tackle him when she came through the window.”

“After following his irresistible piss trail, how could she not?” Charlie asks, bringing another steaming teapot in with him and setting it on the tea table between the armchairs. “Can’t believe I never tried that with you.”

I arc my eyebrows at him. “Be glad, Charlie Miller.”

“As fascinating as this is,” Lords says, rolling his eyes, “I’d like a minute of your time, Teddy.”

He was just with me in the Bladelaw for an hour and didn’t say a word. Whatever. I nod.

I start to follow him out of the library. Callan follows me.

Lords holds up his palm. “Alone.”

“I believe we are on the same side in this, Mr. Lords,” Callan replies. “And I have things to say to Teddy that you should hear as well. Let’s be allies for today.”

Lords glowers at the fae prince but, after a moment, he nods.

Lords leads us into the kitchen. A cold rill walks up my spine that has nothing to do with just coming out of the First Dark. I’ve avoided the kitchen and the other parts of the palace that aren’t in Faery.

I never thought I’d say it, but I’ve felt safe in Faery.

“I’ll keep this brief,” Lords says. “I agree with your strategy, Teddy. I hope it’s successful. But if it’s not, if your father has to die, I’m asking you to step aside. Let me be the one who kills him.”

I look into those Captain America blues. I like Lords. I respect him. And I know what drives him. He wasn’t able to protect Jade. He’s still feeling that failing in his soul. I can see it in those earnest blue eyes. He’s going to protect me at all costs.

“You said it was the one thing I wouldn’t be forgiven.”

“That’s right,” he agrees.

“Bevington needs you, mate. Rachel needs you. Jade’s death was not your fault. Da beating me was not your fault. You’ve done everything you can. I’m not agreeing to you taking one for the team.”

“It’s my responsibility, Teddy. That’s what The Mr. Black is.”

“Good thing you’re just plain ole Evan Lords here, then,” I say.


I shake my head. “My answer’s no. I appreciate it. I really do. But no.”

I step forward and hug him. He’s rigid against me for a moment, then he softens and hugs me back.

“Don’t get dead,” he grumbles as I release him and we step apart.

I punch him lightly in the shoulder. “You watchedSpeed.”

“Rachel has an unhealthy obsession with that actor. I think she’s made me watch those atrociousWickmovies a dozen times.”
