Page 56 of Quaternion

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“Would you ever want to play the kind of games we played before?” I ask hesitantly.

“Yes, I would. Do you still want to play with me now that Charlie’s topping you?”

I nod vigorously. “I miss our games.”

His grin turns wicked. “Good. See? Waiting’s not a bad thing. Anticipation makes everything sweeter.”

I look down at our joined hands, wishing I could be as calm and accepting as he is, instead of fearful that something’s wrong.

“Teddy, look at me. You know I love you, right? I’m not taking my time because my feelings for you have changed. This is about how I feel aboutmyself, not about you.”

I lift my eyes to meet his. They’re a deep-ocean blue. The tension tightening my neck and shoulders loosens a little.

“What are you scared of?” he asks gently.

“I don’t even know,” I wail, trying to keep my voice down because we’re in a busy, public place, but my emotions are tumbling all over the show and I can’t quite control the plaintiveness underlying my words. “Losing you, I think.”

“You haven’t lost me. You’re not going to lose me. I will love youalways. I’m sitting here with you because Iwantto be with you, baby girl. I want to figure out my place with you. I just don’t want it to be the same as it was. Give me a little time to feel my way into it, okay? I promise, I’m not going anywhere, Teddy.”

Hearing him call me “baby girl” again does even more than seeing his changeable eyes shift toward his happy color to unknot my insides.

“’Kay.” I try not to be petulant, but it comes out as a sniffle. Gabe grins and holds out a napkin to me. I blow my nose surreptitiously.

“You know this is making me happy, right?” he asks. “I mean, not that I’m getting off on your misery or anything, but seeing you frustrated is a little bit of a turn-on.”

It’s my turn to stick my tongue out. “Not for me.”

“Bet it is. You want to play? Let’s play. I’m warning you now this is not going to end in sex, so don’t get your hopes up, but be my good girl and I’ll reward you. Slide your hand down your pants, finger yourself, and then give me a taste. If you’re not at least a little wet, then I’ll make sure someone gives you an orgasm today, even if it’s not me.”

Hearing him take control again, seeing the heat in his midnight eyes, floods my knickers. I squirm on the padded bench.

“Not fair,” I whisper.

“Be my good girl, Teddy. Do it for me.”

I stay focused on him as I slip my hand under my sweatshirt, tug aside the waistband of my trackies, and skim my fingers down my stomach. I don’t look around to see who’s watching. I drown in the heat and desire in Gabe’s eyes as I wriggle my fingers between my thighs. The gusset of my knickers is damp when I shift it aside and rub two fingertips into my own, wet heat.

“What do I get if I lose?” I ask as I withdraw my fingers.

Gabe chuckles. “I’m not sure you understand the spirit of this game.”

Oh, I understand it all right. Just like Gabe understands exactly what exercising control over me, sucking me into the games I’ve missed so desperately, does to me.

“Game’s rigged,” I whisper, offering my fingers to him.

He cups my hand and brings my fingers to his face, holding them under his nose and taking a deep sniff that makes his eyes flare, before he sucks my fingertips between his plush lips. He rolls the tip of his tongue around each one. Before he releases my hand, he nips my index finger.

“Game’s rigged so both of us win, baby girl.” He kisses my fingertips as I let them linger on his lower lip. “I think frustration’s a little turn-on for you, too. Push off your right shoe and put your foot in my lap.”

Good thing I haven’t double-knotted my trainers. My socked foot’s wiggling between his legs before he has time to blink. His chuckle’s cut off when I find the bulge in his jeans and curl my toes over it.

He shakes his head at me, grinning hugely. “I didn’t know your toes were so flexible.”

I’ll show him flexibility. I splay my toes, notch his crotch-bulge between my big toe and second toe, and rub.

Pink fills my beautiful boy’s cheeks. He grabs my hand and brings my fingers back to his mouth, nipping and sucking on them.

Me winning the game is cut short when Charlie drops down onto the bench beside me and slings an arm around my shoulders. “What’re we doing, kippers?”
