Page 73 of Quaternion

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What’s the deal with impact on wet skin? Will it hurt more? Worry tightens my back and my legs dance around as I try to find a good position.

“Grab the carpet with your toes and turn your heels out,” Darwin says, crossing the bedroom to stand in front of Charlie.

It takes me a tic to understand and get my feet into place, but as soon as I do, I understand the why of it: I’m much more stable.

Charlie rubs his hand over my arse-cheek. “I’m gonna warm you up before I hit you, bean. When I do, I want you to count. Okay?”

I nod, my cheek rubbing over the soft denim of Gabe’s jeans.

“Teddy, it helps us if you answer out loud when we’re in scenes,” Darwin tells me.

“Oh, right. Yes, I’ve got it, Chaz.”

Charlie circles his palm over each cheek. “Good girl. Tell me when your arse starts to feel warm.”

“Okay,” I say.

He starts rubbing. It feels good, the slow circling of his palm on the sensitive skin of my arse. I wiggle until I’m in a better position and can lift my arse into his touch.

Darwin sits cross-legged at Charlie’s feet, reaches under my thigh, and tickles his fingertips between my pussy lips. He finds my clit with his middle finger and flicks it gently. That feels even better.

I look up at Gabe, who smiles at me and takes my free hand, then at Darwin. He doesn’t smile but his silver eyes have ignited and there’s a distinct bulge in the black fabric stretched over his groin.

“Am I doin’ it right?” I ask, not because anything feels wrong, but because I want to see approval in Darwin’s eyes as well as arousal. I wouldn’t mind hearing that I’m a good girl again, either. I really don’t like being at odds with my boys.

Darwin reaches out with his unoccupied hand and runs a fingertip down my cheek. “Are you fishing for compliments, naughty girl?”

Okay, yeah, I was, but the twinkle of amusement that lights his eyes alongside the growing heat is almost as good as approval. And being called a naughty girl is a close second to being called a good girl.Muchbetter than being called a bitch.

“While Charlie spanks you, I’m going to grow your hair out again. I think all of us would appreciate something to grab and pull.”

That makes me smile and I nuzzle a little deeper into Gabe’s lap. “Okay. Feelin’ warm, Chaz.”

I barely finish the sentence before Charlie’s hand cracks across my arse.

I yelp. Fuck, that stings. Charlie presses his forearm across my back to hold me in position. I wasn’t even aware of having flinched, but both of my feet are up off the floor, kicking. I release Gabe’s hand to cover my face.

“Sorry,” I groan. “That was pathetic.”

Charlie chuckles as he rubs his palm over my stinging cheek. “Little surprised there, bean?”

“Yeah.” I take a deep breath, blow it out, grab Gabe’s hand, and reposition so my toes are digging into the carpet. “I didn’t expect it to sting that much. I’ll do better this time.”

“Teddy,” Darwin says gently, drawing my attention to him. He smooths his fingertip down my cheek. “It’s not a test. You don’t need to pass. Your back is so rigid, I can see every muscle. Focus on your shoulders and relax them.”

“Right, okay.” I wiggle a little, trying to loosen up my shoulders and back. He’s not wrong about how tight everything’s become. My whole body’s braced against the next blow.

My throat pinches and my vision blurs. My next breath’s a snuffle as tears run down my nose and drip onto Gabe’s jeans.

“Stop, Charlie,” Gabe says quietly. “She’s triggered.”

Am I? I wasn’t thinking about Da until Charlie called me a bitch and then things began to blur and the pain was more than I expected. But I know Charlie’s not Da. I don’t have anything to fear here.

“I-I’m okay,” I tell my boys. “I can keep going.”

There’s a heavy silence all around me. I lift my head to look at my boys.

