Page 83 of Quaternion

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I slip my hands out of his so I can wrap my arms around his neck. “You’ve gotten dead good at controlling it. Gabe and I have seen your, uh, thing, twice and we’d never have guessed.”

Darwin cracks a grin. “Mything?”

“Yeah. You know.”

“I know. I’d like to introduce you to my thing. Under better circumstances.”

I stick my tongue out at him for the ridiculous double-entendre. “If I wasn’t threatening you, would it be safe?”

He nods. “I don’t see you as a threat anymore.”

“Let’s do it.” I tug on his neck.

“Now? I, um, had plans for tonight. Before everything went to shit.”

“Nothing went to shit. You asked a question. Gabe gave you an answer. You didn’t like the answer. You need to talk to him about why. Calmly and without unleashing you know what on his arse.”

Darwin chuckles. “I’d never do that.”


His grin turns rueful. “Again.”


Up A Pond Without A Paddle

“So, Paris tonight?” I ask.

He purses those plush lips. “I had a different idea. Remember the house I mentioned? The one in Maine? Could I take you there?”

“Sounds better than stuffiness on the Seine.”

He pokes me in the ribs. “My plans were not stuffy.”

“The date you’d been dreaming about for months? It was dead stuffy, mate. House on a hidden lake in Maine sounds better. I was promised punting, as I remember, whatever that is.”

“If you don’t know what it is, how will you know if I’ve delivered?”

“Oh, I’ll rate our date when we get back, don’t worry.”

His eyes darken. “You won’t, will you? I can’t beat the unicorn pool. Gabe told me that’s where he took you on your first date.”

“I wasjoking. It’s not a competition. And it’s not about where we go or what we do. Doesn’t matter. It’s about being with you. Spending time together.”

“No matter where you go, there you are?” His grin peeks back out.

I shake my head at him. “I can’t believe you’re quotingBuckaroo Banzaiiat me. I still have PTSD from that week with your father. D’you know he told me the Goblin King was fae? Who does that?”

“Sounds like my father. Ruining childhoods everywhere he goes. The Goblin King was fae, though.”


He pulls me closer and kisses the tip of my nose. “If I’m your monster, maybe it’s okay.”

“I don’t believe you’re a monster. But if you are, you’re definitely our monster.”

Darwin worries his lower lip with an incisor. “Aren’t you afraid of being a monster, Teddy? Doesn’t having no limits on your power scare you?”
