Page 90 of Quaternion

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“Can I grip your hair?” I ask, touching his quiff with my fingertips. If he hadn’t said he wants to play dominance games with me, I’d just sink my fingers in. But Gabe and Charlie have both made a point of controlling my head during our games; seems like a thing. I don’t want to mess up the game we’re easing into if me controlling his head would be a thing for Darwin.


He says it right against my clit, so his lips buzz and the vibration shivers through me.

I slide my fingers into his hair. Warm silk. There’s a quality to it that’s not like human hair. It’s sleeker. Like cat’s fur. I pet it. Twine it around my fingers. I’m careful not to tug or move his head, since that feels too controlling.

All the while, Darwin continues his good work. He flicks his tongue between my lips, finds my opening and rims it while he nudges my clit with his nose. My eyes cross and I close them so I don’t go dizzy. I’m lightheaded anyway from all the blood rushing south.

When he slides his hand up my inner thigh, spreads his fingers, and sinks his thumb into me in the front and his middle finger in the back, I do fall over.

Laughing, he pulls me into his lap.

“I was not expecting that,” I tell him, looping my arms around his neck.

He kisses me, grinning and looking entirely too pleased with himself. “I know Charlie’s had you there. I won’t ask for it yet, but I want it.”

I loll back against the bar of his arm and blink at him hazily, happily. “If that’s what you want, that’s what you shall have. I told you, I’m all yours. Do whatever you want.”

Now Darwin’s the one who looks lightheaded. He lowers me to the floor—onto a soft rug, warmed by the fire—and stretches out beside me. “Your trust means so much to me, Teddy.”

I’m doing everything I can to give it to him. Despite those occasional flickers of insecurity, I’m giving myself to him, letting him do whatever he wants, even when he surprises me, so he can feel my growing trust.

He reaches back and pulls the soft, black jumper he’s wearing over his head. Most boys would change into a suit for a date. Not Darwin; he changedoutof his. After a brief consultation after dinner with Charlie that left Charlie strangely red-faced, Darwin disappeared back to his suite and returned in a pec-hugging sweater and black jeans tighter than he usually wears. He was coatless and barefoot and I’ve realized that’s not a sign of inattention to the weather. Darwin wears shoes and coats because it’s expected of him. When he’s comfortable—when he’s with us—he goes barefoot.

Taking off his sweater is clearly an invitation to touch him, but because I want to encourage the games the boys play with me, I ask, “May I touch you?”

His eyes flare and he nods, taking one of my hands and placing it on his chest. He moves the other one over my head and pins my wrist to the carpet with his hot palm while he leans in and kisses me. He nips my lip; a thread of copper weaves through his silver tequila taste.

His thigh, warm, heavy, and denim-rough against my bare skin, slides between mine as he leans over me. He’s not exactly pinning me down. I have plenty of room to wiggle and I could pull away easily. But the sense of restraint is there, turning the heat pooled in my core spiky and electric. I squeeze my thighs around his and grin against his mouth at his soft moan.

“I don’t understand how Gabe wears pants this tight,” Darwin grumbles. “Everything’s compressed.”

“Pretty sure that’s the idea,” I slide my hand down his chest and pause at his waistband. “May I?”

He takes a shaky breath. “May I ... sir.”

I smile cheekily up into his eyes before I give him what he wants. “May I, sir?”

He squeezes his eyes closed. “Fuck yes.”

I tease the button of his jeans open and wiggle my fingertips down his faint happy trail until I find the heated, silky skin of his shaft.

“Commando, huh?” I ask.

“There’s no room to squeeze underwear under these.”

I chuckle. Gabe still manages to wear kecks and his jeans are tighter.

I trail a fingertip up and down one of the warm, pulsing veins in his shaft and watch an echoing pulse in his temple. “May I take it out, sir?”

He drops his forehead to touch mine. “Yes. You’re killing me, Teddy.”


False Starts

“Killing you as in I’m doing it wrong, going too slow, or what?” I ask.
