Page 94 of Quaternion

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“Let him go back to sleep,” Gabe murmurs, shifting slightly so his morning glory presses into the curve between my groin and thigh. “Then I have plans for you.”

He does? My ovaries perk up hopefully, despite me warning them that we’re bound for disappointment.

I yawn and bury it in his chest. “What plans?”

“Multiple-orgasm plans.”

I like the sound of that. Not that I’m complaining about the orgasms I had last night. They were awesome. But there’s always room for more.

The arm Darwin’s got wrapped around me like strangle weed shifts. His hand covers my breast and he tweaks my nipple. “Tell Gabe what you did last night.”

“What’d I do last night?”

“Groaned ‘diiiick’ at me like the Ghost of Christmas Past when I was trying to be serious and sensitive.”

Gabe’s chest rumbles with laughter under my cheek. “Mood killer.”

“It weren’t,” I huff.

“I’m guessing it didn’t get you anywhere, either,” Gabe says, rubbing my cheek.

“It didn’t. How’d you know?”

“Mmm, I dunnow. I guess it’s the way the two of you feel in our quaternion. You’re closer than you were before you went on the date, but you’re not entwined yet the way you, me, and Charlie are.”

He can feel all that in our bond? I can’t.

“Could be our pledges,” I say, just to play devil’s advocate.

“Uht-uh. I knew as soon as I saw you that morning you came back that you’d had sex with Charlie. You felt different. I’m not sure how to describe it. Your vibration was different. A little lower, closer to Charlie’s pitch. I can’t describe it better than that.”

“I can’t sense any of that, Gabe.” I lift my head and rest my chin on his pec so I can look up into his beautiful face. He still has his eyes closed, his eyelashes an inky fan on the pale curve of his cheek. His cheek and jaw have lost the hollowness they had when I came back. The beginning of his crooked smile is tipping up one side of his mouth. He looks relaxed, sleepy.


My boy is happy again.

I scoot up between the boys until I’m nose-to-nose with Gabe. “What happened?”

“Hmm?” He cracks open his eyes and looks at me from under heavy lids. A glimmer of sapphire.

“What’s happened? You’re happy.”

He tightens his arm around me. “I’m always happy when I’m with you, Teddy.”

“Yeah, but this is more happy than you were.”

He lets his eyes close again and his full, crooked grin spreads across his face. “Guess my date was better than yours.”

“You went on a date? With Charlie?”

“Mmm-hmm, we went out and had pizza.”

It’s amazing Charlie isn’t the size of a mountain troll. Mages don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but the dining hall has been serving us turkey with all the trimmings like they’re trying to make something up to us. Charlie had a full turkey dinner andthenwent out for pizza. Unbelievable.

“And?” I ask.

“We talked things out. It was good.”
