Page 19 of Dangerous Fortune

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“Real power.” I look around and realize it must sound ludicrous. “I pretend I’ve got it when playing at the tables, but you’ve got the real thing.” Trailing my finger over the tattoos covering his fingers, I shake my head. “You feel like a different species. Bigger. Stronger. In control of everything around you.”

He moves closer. “You wouldn’t want to pay the price for the kind of power I have.”

A sea of secrets lies behind the statement, and I’m sure he has no intention of sharing them.

I slide into the chair he’s pulled out and accept that he will likely always make me feel like I’m on a ship in rough seas.

“Did your Nonno enjoy the cookies you brought home?”

“Yes.” I study my hands and tell myself not to be impressed he’s asking about my grandfather. “It wasn’t his best day memory-wise, but we enjoyed watching our shows.”

“I can’t imagine what you’re going through.”

“It’s not fun, but I’m grateful to have him around. He owned three laundromats for years, and yesterday, he was insistent that I go in and make sure that all the machines were working.”

“How did you handle it?”

“I told him my brother would do it and not to worry about anything.”

Enzo leans in and covers my hand. “Why are you so damn perfect?”

A surprised laugh falls out of my mouth. “I’m definitely not.”

“Tell me your five top disgusting habits, so I believe you.”

“No way!”

He throws up his hands. “Then I guess it’s’re gonna make me fall for you.”

“You have lost your mind.”

Leaning closer, his eyes burn. “Maybe I have…since the images cascading across my mind could get us into a lot of trouble.”

The air is instantly charged, and something that very much resembles desire ricochets between us. I study the edge of a tattoo peeking out from the collar of his shirt and wonder how many women throw themselves at him.

Shaking my head so the swoon threatening to take over doesn’t take hold, I do algebraic equations to distract myself.

A man in a suit delivers a tray heaping with fried food. Chicken nuggets, corn dogs, French fries. It’s all here. “Now you’re the one being perfect.”


He holds my gaze, and my heart does a little somersault. “What are we doing?”

“Eating.” He hands me a napkin. “We can leave the what-ifs for later.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna pass on swimming in those dangerous waters.”

“Sharky…you surprise me.”

His legs move on either side of mine, and I feel caged in. “You expected me to welcome the challenge?”

“No.” His large rests gently on my leg. “I expected you to understand that I never back down.”

I pick up a chicken nugget and press it against his lips. “Now would be a good time to stop talking.” His teeth graze my fingers, and I feel it down to my toes.

Mr.Never Back Downchews his food slowly. His Adam apple bobs, and I know it won’t take more than a little nudge for me to agree with anything he suggests.

I pick up a corndog, dip it into the mustard, and then bite. The tang of the hot dog plays against the warm, sweet cornbread batter, and I feel a tiny flutter of panic trying to fight its way free.
