Page 23 of Dangerous Fortune

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“Yeah, I said the same thing.”

“So do you think Nonno was mafia or just mafia adjacent?”

“I’m ninety-eight percent positive the dry cleaning stores laundered money.” He swings our clasped hands back and forth. “I remember seeing men in custom suits picking up packages. Every Saturday, two of them would show up, have an espresso with Nonno, and then leave with bundles that were definitely not clean undershirts.”

“Maybe that’s how Mom met the man that broke her heart.”

“Possible.” He rolls his shoulder. “If our working theory has any legs, it would explain why she married Dad.”

“A nice all-American Navy man was the complete opposite of the men in the neighborhood and gave her a shot at living far from Boston.” I blow out a breath and try and picture my father. “If Dad hadn’t died a year after you were born, her dreams could’ve come true.”

“I don’t know why she disliked life in the North End so much.”

“Bigger dreams.” I pull my coat tighter. “She loves being a cruise director.”

“She loves being away,” he says quietly.

I don’t bother responding since it’s true. After Dad died, we moved in with Nonna and Nonno, and Ma did everything she could to be gone as often as possible. When Marco struggled with his identity, she was cruising the high seas. Our grandparents did their best but didn’t always know how to help him navigate a life they didn’t understand.

“Maybe it’s time you took a break from Boston. You could go to Las Vegas and play on one of the professional poker teams.”

“Nadia suggested Atlantic City, so you’re both on the same track.”

“Gawd, if she and I are coming up with the same idea, you know things are dire.”

My heart skips a beat at his suggestion. A part of me longs for the freedom and excitement of a new city, a fresh start away from the trouble I’ve found myself in. But another part of me hesitates, my mind racing with thoughts of what it would mean for Marco and our grandfather. “I don’t think I can just up and leave,” I reply, my voice wavering. “We’ve got so much going on here. The bistro is just starting to take off, and Nonno needs us. I can’t abandon you two like that.”

“I know this will come as a shock, but we can manage without you.”


“Yeah, especially if it means no one will take a shot at you.” He hip-bumps me. “Besides, going to Vegas might allow you to win even bigger pots, which could help us in the long run.”

My mind is torn between wanting to stay and protect my family and the opportunity to grow and challenge myself in a new environment. “If I were to leave, I’d need to ensure everything was handled here in Boston.”

“We’ll be fine,” he reassures me, gently squeezing my hand. “You need to do what’s best for you right now. And if that means taking some time away, then so be it.”

I know he’s right. I can’t let fear control my life, nor should I try to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. The city of lights is a tempting prospect, not only because I would do well there but because it would put a big barrier between me and temptation.

Something I desperately need. The more time I spend with Enzo, the faster my defenses will slip, which will not bode well for either of us.

“Abby,” Marco says softly, his dark eyes meeting mine. “It’s time for Mom to pitch in. Not only because it’s right, but she also needs a chance to make peace with Nonno before it’s too late.”

I raise an eyebrow, skeptical at the thought of our mother taking on more responsibility. She’s never been one to put someone’s needs before her own, preferring to focus on her career instead. “It might be worth taking a trip just so she won’t have a choice.”

“This debacle could be the perfect excuse to get out of town and stretch your wings.”

As much as I hate to admit it, he’s right. “Okay,” I finally concede, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and excitement. “I’ll give it a shot. But only for a couple of weeks. If it works out, maybe I can do a back-and-forth thing.”

My brother pulls me into a tight hug, and I can’t help but feel a flicker of hope. “Thank you, Marco,” I whisper, my voice thick with emotion.

Thoughts of Las Vegas dance in my mind like the neon lights on its famous Strip. I can almost hear the cacophony of slot machines and feel the dry desert heat on my skin as I walk down the bustling streets lined with casinos.

I picture myself shuffling chips and decide a little vacay is the best way to make Rodrigo forget about me and a chance formeto get over my infatuation with Enzo.


