Page 25 of Dangerous Fortune

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“Good to know.” I follow Ari through the crowd and notice her stride is purposeful and confident. The woman is a magnet for attention, with several men risking neck injuries as they spin around and gawk.

We take our seats at the bar, and Ari orders two tequila shots. “To new friends and unexpected connections.” She raises her glass, and I clink mine against hers.

“Salud,” I reply with a smile. Warmth spreads through me when the tequila hits my chest.

“Tell me about yourself,” Ari says, her voice commanding. “How did you become a brilliant card shark with an unerring fashion sense?”

“I appreciate the fashion compliment, but it’s not deserved.” I pull the hem of my dress down. “I just wear sparkly things and high heels so men are distracted long enough to miss the fact I’m a math whiz.”

“Bait and switch.” She nods appreciatively. “Big fan of the strategy.”

Surprised that I feel camaraderie with a woman who is so different, I smile. “I’ve always had a knack for numbers, and poker is a great way to ensure my piggy bank stays full.”

“I envy you,” she says quietly before she looks over her shoulder. “To be able to make your own decisions and chart where your boat goes is something I will never have.”

“The bars of your golden cage becoming a little oppressive?”

“I’ve been gnawing on them for years and have yet to make a dent.”

Laughing at her description, I wonder how literal she’s being. “I might have an extra saw I can loan you.”

“I knew we would become friends.” She squeezes my hand. “Most people see a spoiled princess and never consider for a moment what living inside this family costs me.”

She orders another round, and I wonder how far she’ll go to carve out a life she doesn’t dread. We down our second shot, and I see Fausto shake his head. “You and your bodyguard seem to have a good relationship.”

“We’ve been together since I turned eighteen. I drive him nuts, but he will be rewarded handsomely if he can keep me alive and out of trouble until I walk down the aisle.”

“And how soon is your wedding?”

“Never o’clock if I can manage it.”

My fingers idly trace the rim of my glass as I watch Ari fiddle with the diamond bracelets on her wrist, a small smile playing on her lips.

“So what did you do to my brother,” she asks, her expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. “He’s usually a stoic bore, but something has changed, and I think you’re responsible.”

“Is that so?” I ask, trying to maintain a nonchalant demeanor.

Ari nods, her dark eyes sparkling. “He’s never wanted to break the rules, but—”

“I’m not asking him to.” I take a sip of tequila, allowing the burn of the alcohol to temper the fluttering in my chest.

“I’m not suggesting that you are…but for the first time in his life, he’s considering it.”

“That wouldn’t end well for us, and given my ability to play the odds, it’s not something I plan to stake my future happiness on.”

“That’s very logical.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“Affairs of the heart have nothing to do with reason.”

We sit in silence for a moment, the weight of her words hanging in the air between us. Neither of us is in a position to go after what might make us happy, and saying the words aloud only makes the reality that much harsher.

“Abby,” Enzo’s voice cuts through the air like a knife, shattering the fragile moment. My heart leaps into my throat as I turn and notice his smile is as revealing as a da Vinci portrait.

“Enzo.” I ignore my pulse pounding in my ears and realize he’s even more attractive in profile. Ruler straight lines, sculpted angels, and eyes that don’t miss a thing.

“I see you’ve met my sister,” he replies, his gaze never leaving mine. The weight of his stare is unmistakable, and I can only assume it’s because he doesn’t want me to become acquainted with his family.
