Page 39 of Dangerous Fortune

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His lips curve into a small smile, and I’m struck by the realization that beneath the veneer of the mafioso lies a man wanting some of the same things I do.

I take a step back and drag in a long breath, filling my lungs with his scent. I want to have the memory of sandalwood and spice etched into my memory so that whenever I smell it, I can be transported back to the time we shared.

“I’m going to change and then head out.” I gather my clothes and spin toward the bathroom, knowing that drawing things out will only make the final goodbye that much more difficult.

Some people don’t get a minute of happiness, and I was just afforded a whole night, so I absolutely can’t be sad.

The bathroom door snicks closed behind me, and I remind myself to be grateful for the glimpse of heaven I was given.



Everything is the same. And there isn’t one thing left unchanged. I’m not sure what I expected after owning every intimate part of Abby, but the whiplash I’m feeling sure as hell wasn’t on the list.

How can a handful of hours make me want to upend my life?

Scraping my hand over my jaw, I contemplate adding a tattoo to my collection. I’ve already got enough to tell a story as colorful as the cast of characters from an Italian opera, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t add one more.

Unfortunately, I have no idea what the perfect piece would be to commemorate the experience I just had.

Rolling my shoulders, I put the idea aside and enter the lobby, seeing my cousin. “Gianna!” I hug her and see the Bratva’s avtoriteti standing off to the side. “What are you doing here?”

“Donuts.” She rubs her very pregnant belly. “The apple crumble is the only thing that will make me happy.”

Yuri tips his chin, and I’m guessing that’s sign language for beware. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I have a bowling ball pushing all my organs out of the way while a WWE fight plays out on top of my bladder.”

“Sounds like fun.” I look around. “Where is Alexey?”

“He’s in the food court, buying out Dunkin.” She pushes her hair back. “He told me he was the only one who could pick the best ones, but I know he needs a break because I’ve been cranky, weepy, fussy, and generally horrible to be around.”

“I’m sure that’s not—” Her hand goes up. “Is it worse than when you have the flu?”

Nodding, she bites her bottom lip. “By about a million percent.”

“At least you’re almost there.”

“The princess is already four days past her due date.”

“Five,” Yuri corrects.

“See.” Gianna waves her hand. “I’m a nightmare.”

“You’re growing another human. You can be whatever you want.” I take her hand and lead her over to a sofa. “Do you want to sit down?”

“If I do that, I won’t be able to get up.”

I think about what Abby said about her grandfather and wonder if it might be the perfect thing to distract Gianna. “Do you feel like helping me out with a project?”

“Sure.” She moves closer. “I need something else to think about.”

“I might have the perfect thing.”

Her eyes light with interest. “Is it about Abby Mercer?”

“Geeze, how do you do that?”
