Page 45 of Dangerous Fortune

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The two most important women in my life are in the hands of a monster.

Franco appears and grips Fausto’s arm. The man’s eyes are fluttering as he fights to remain conscious. “Tell us everything you know.”

With a deep breath, Fausto recounts the events leading up to Ari’s capture. As his words wash over me, I begin crafting the many ways I will make Rodrigo suffer. “Is there anything else you can tell us?” I ask, my voice thick with urgency.

His eyelids close. “Ari... her bracelet,” he rasps, his breaths shallow. “Tracker. Call my sister.”

My heart races. “There’s a tracker in Ari’s bracelet? You’re sure?”

He nods weakly and goes limp.

“Rest. We’ll take it from here.”

The family doctor rushes in, and soldiers lift Fausto and carry him down the hall. Franco paces with the phone jammed to his ear, and I wonder why Fausto’s sister has anything to do with a tracker.

“Carolina will be here in ten minutes,” Franco announces. “How did he talk Ari into a tracker?”

“What the hell happened the other night when you went looking for Rodrigo?” Andre asks as he types on his phone.

“Dry hole,” Franco answers.”

“Damnit.” Andre looks up. “Gianna is about to go into labor. I hope to God Carolina can help.”

My mind trips over itself as it attempts to make sense of the information. My beloved sister is in the hands of a sociopath, and the woman I’m falling for sits at the center of the shit show. And because God has a cruel sense of humor, my cousin is about to give birth to her first child.

Scraping my hands over my face, I do everything I can not to howl.

How did Rodrigo make himself useful enough to the Cartels so they would dare to cross us?

Before I can come up with an answer, a small figure strides into the house with soldiers trailing behind. “Carolina?”

“I’m sure not the Good Witch of the West.” She whips off the hood of her sweatshirt, and a cascade of curls falls down her back. “How is my brother?”

“He’ll live,” I respond tightly, taken aback by the glint of determination in her gaze. “Doc is stitching him up now.”

She lifts a laptop. “I heard you need my expertise.”

“We sure as hell do,” Andre responds as he walks back into the room. “I just got a call from Alexey, and he said Gianna is on standby and can answer any questions.”

“Your sister taught me everything I know,” Carolina announces as she looks around.

I exchanged looks with my brother and cousin. “Did she start a secret society of lady hackers?”

“We’re not a secret. No one bothers to pay attention to the homely ones, so we can get away with just about anything.”

“Really?” Andre asks in a low voice.

“Well…only the things that you would approve of.” Carolina smiles sweetly. “Because we’re good girls and never break the rules.”

“Basta!” He shouts. “You think living with my sister for twenty-five years would allow me to believe that?”

“Should I get to work, or—”

“Go!” Andre shouts.

Carolina steps sideways, the crepe soles of her boots squeaking across the marble floors. “I’ll be in the kitchen. I should have something in fifteen minutes.

We all watch the elfin woman stride down the hall. “Gianna strikes again.”
