Page 47 of Dangerous Fortune

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“I know…but he can get into places I have yet to crack.” She returns her attention to the screen. “I’ll monitor CCTV and feed you updates.”

“Time to go hunting.” I stride down the hall as my determination to save Ari and Abby becomes a living, breathing force.



The darkness that claimed me feels like a suffocating shroud, but I force my eyes open, noticing my body feels like it’s made of lead.

“Abby, can you hear me?” A voice calls from somewhere nearby – a voice I recognize, though it seems distorted and distant. “Ar–” I try to respond, but my throat is parched, my voice barely a whisper.

“Shh, save your strength,” she urges softly as I feel the warmth of her hand on mine. “Wh—where are we?” I manage to croak, struggling to take in our surroundings. Dimly lit, windowless room – a cell of some sort, perhaps.

“Cartel warehouse,” Ari replies, her grip on my hand tightening. “And it’s a dump.” She sniffs. “I’m not one to pile bad news on top of a disaster, but we’ve been taken by the Walmart of criminals.”

“I like Walmart,” I mutter quietly.

“If we’re talking about the ice cream selection, yes. But as far as the criminal underworld, no.”

“Rodrigo,” I murmur, pieces of the puzzle falling into place. The syringe, the chilling order to bring Ari to him… it all comes flooding back. “I get why Vargas kidnapped me, but why would he be interested in you?”

“Because Enzo insulted him, and this is his way of getting back.” She checks her nails. “It’s actually kind of surprising that it’s taken this long to get snatched.” Looking over, she frowns. “It’s almost an insult and could make one think I wasn’t worth the effort.”

My brain actually stops. The things coming out of the woman’s mouth make absolutely no sense. “Why are you so calm?”

“Because this kind of thing is practically guaranteed when you’re the niece of the Capo di tutti capi.” She smiles. “This is gonna up my street cred and make everyone treat me with respect.”

I force myself into a sitting position despite the protest of my aching muscles. “You are a wild bird, Ari Bianchi.”

“I know. And I’m already compiling the list of demands I’ll make once this little snafu is over. Franco and Enzo will be eating out of my hand and won’t be able to say no for at least six months.”

I try to follow her logic but fail. “Happy for you and your impending golden ticket, but we need to find a way out of this room.”

“Unless you’ve got some superhuman strength to go with that brain of yours, that’s gonna be a little challenging.”

I survey the cell and see only one exit – a heavy steel door locked securely from the outside. “We’ll have to either get the guards on our side or take them out of commission.” I swallow slowly and feel like I’ve eaten the desert.”

“At least they left us with these.” She hands me a bottle of water. “Only drink half.”

“Why?” I twist off the gap and take two giant slugs. “Are we rationing?”

“We might need it for later.”

After I take another slug, I recap the bottle and study Enzo’s sister. “Are you medicated?”

“No!” She smoothes a curl away from my face. “Truth be told, I don’t have much to look forward to, so this bump in the road is a much needed distraction.”

“How is that possible?” I twist from side to side and watch a myriad of emotions cross her face.”

“Eventually, my brother will choose some high-ranking family member to marry me off to.” Looking down, she frowns. “It will just be another cage with more rules and expectations.”

“Geeze, Ari. That’s awful.”

“Thanks for saying that.” She squeezes my hand. “If I complain, most people tell me I’m lucky to live in luxury and should be grateful.”

“I doubt designer shoes and bags make up for a life that feels like a prison.” I study the steel door. “I’d rather scrimp pennies and live with someone who makes the world feel like anything is possible.”

“Same.” She scrunches her nose. “Except, I’d be scrimping gold coins.”
