Page 50 of Dangerous Fortune

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“I’ll buy him a million-dollar gift card to Dunkin.”

“Perfect.” She grabs a bottle of water. “I’ll pour a little poison in, just in case we can get one of the men to drink it.”

I watch her click a hidden latch. “That is so cool.”

“I’ll get you one for Christmas.” She pours a few drops into the bottle. “And don’t look so skeptical. Enzo and Franco will be here before you know it.”

“I hope so.” My hand trembles as I dip one end of my shapewear into a puddle of murky water on the floor. “If we’re lucky, this has some nasty chemicals.”

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to make a fuse so it lights.” I press the soaked cloth against the lighter’s flame, watching the fire slowly take hold. “Once they’re distracted, we start moving.” I throw the Spanx in the corner and watch the fire begin to spread, creeping hungrily across the damp floor. As the smoke billows upward, I hear the first shouts of alarm from the guards. “I hope this works.” I pull Ari close, and the door swings open as two guards rush in. We move silently along the wall and then dash out the door as they try to douse the fire.

The basement air is stale, and Ari’s chest rises and falls in time with mine as we run down the hall, our eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of movement.

Smoke billows behind us. “I guess that stuff on the floor was flammable.” The sound of something crashing reverberates over our heads.

“Keep moving,” Ari urges. “That could be someone looking for us.”

We slip through the shadows of the long corridor, and my hands tremble with adrenaline. The reality of our situations slams into me as the guilt slides along my skin.”

“Get out of your head, Abby.”

“It’s just—”

“Save it for later.” She grabs my hand. “Cause we may still have to kick some ass.”

We round a corner, finding ourselves face-to-face with a guard. His eyes widen in surprise.

“Hey there,” I call out, my tone unbelievably flirtatious and light as we slow our pace.

Startled, the guard instinctively reaches for his gun. “Easy there, big guy,” I coo, slowly lifting my hands in surrender. “I’m not here to cause any trouble.”

“What are you two doing here,” he growls, suspicion clouding his eyes.

“Us?” I reply with a coy smile, tilting my head to one side. “They said we could stretch our legs.” The guard’s gaze roves over my body, and I can practically see the wheels turning in his head, weighing the potential risks and rewards. “But we’re kinda lost. Can you help us?”

“Maybe,” he says finally, his voice heavy with implication. “But it’ll cost you.”

“Cost me?” I feign innocence, batting my lashes. “Whatever could you mean?”

“Take off your jacket,” he orders gruffly, his eyes never leaving my ample cleavage. I comply without hesitation, acutely aware that every second counts. As the guard’s attention shifts, I catch Ari’s eye and give her a barely perceptible nod.

“Is this what you had in mind?” I ask, my voice dripping with honey as I slide my jacket off my shoulders. The guard’s eyes widen greedily as Ari moves slowly to his side.

“Should I take off my sweatshirt?”

He glances over and licks his lips. “Sure.”

I watch Ari rub her body against his as she lifts her hand, pressing the blade from her ring into his carotid artery. It pushes into his flesh like a knife into a ripe melon.

The sharp metallic scent of blood fills my nostrils, and I choke as the man’s eyes open in horror. His body goes limp, collapsing like a marionette with its strings cut.

“He didn’t suffer,” Ari announces as she looks at the man at her feet. “That’s important.”

The horror of what just happened threatens to pull me under. I sway and feel Ari’s finger dig into my arm.

“Don’t.” She pulls me, and I barely avoid tripping over the man, bleeding out on the cold cement. “There will be plenty of time for therapy and making confession at your church of choice.”
