Page 64 of Dangerous Fortune

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I watch my grandfather press his hand against his heart. “Always.”

Marco walks in with a plate of biscotti. “Nonno is just catching up with the Don.”

“Is that so?” Marco says, looking at me in confusion.

“If you have questions, Marco can answer them,” Nonno adds. “He’s very good with numbers.”

Enzo stands and shakes my brother’s hand. “We have every confidence in you.”

“Good to hear,” Marco replies as he studies Enzo.

“Carlo, are you ready for your afternoon excursion through the neighborhood?”

Nonno’s caretaker rolls in the wheelchair, and Enzo moves aside to make room. “I’m gonna walk En…I mean the Don out.”

“Of course.” Nonno tips his head. “It’s an honor to have you in our home.”

“Thank you, Carlo.”

I grab Enzo’s hand and pull him toward the door before my grandfather can begin genuflecting. Once we’re outside, I let out a breath. “I guess that confirms our suspicions.”

“It sure does.”

“Do you really resemble your grandfather that closely?”

“Minus the tattoos, I could be his twin.”

I lean against the door and let out a gust of relief. “That makes me feel better since it means parts of Nonno’s memory still work.” Looking up, I notice he doesn’t seem surprised by the revelation. “What is your good news?”

“Let’s go for a walk and talk about it.”

I step back toward the front stoop. “I may not be a hundred percent yet and—”

“We took care of the threats, Abby.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Everyone knows you are under my protection, so there’s nothing to fear.”

“Is that like some kind of invisible force field that keeps dark forces away?”

“Yeah. It’s like Spiderman’s web. Only better.”

Rolling my eyes, I let out a rusty laugh. “Are you a Marvel fan?”

“Gianna and I have been collecting rare comic books since we were kids, so I don’t know if the word fan is strong enough.”

“So many interesting layers.”

“I bet you can’t wait to discover every one.”

He tugs my hand, and I reluctantly follow, knowing I’m not ready to sever our connection.

No matter how big a fool that makes me.



I ignore the looks Abby throws me as we walk toward the park. “Are you hungry? Do you want a gelato or something?”

Stopping under an enormous tree, she looks up. “Are you going to draw this out or tell me what’s happening?”
