Page 67 of Dangerous Fortune

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“If you liked chocolate pudding as much as I do…it would.”

“Is this a situation where nodding my head in agreement is a good idea?”

“Honey, agreeing with your girlfriend on a somewhat regular basis is always a good idea.”

“Is that a yes to the Bahamas?”

My heart hammers against my ribs as I wait for her response. The joking seems like we’re heading in the right direction, but you never know. I’ve spent my life around Sicilian women, and know that one minute they are smiling, and the next they have a knife to your throat.

Finally, Abby sighs, her eyes searching mine. “Yes, Enzo. I would love to go with you.”

“Good.” She offers me a tentative smile. “I’ll make the arrangements.” I reach into my pocket and pull out a small, wrapped package. “I have something for you.”

Her eyes widen in surprise as I hand it to her. “What’s this?”

“Open it and see.” She unwraps the package carefully, revealing a brand new deck of cards engraved with our entwined initials. Her fingers run over the crest, an expression of confusion lighting up her face.

“Enzo, these are beautiful,” she breathes. “But why?”

“Because they’re a symbol, sweetheart,” I explain, my heart pounding steadily. “Our fate will be what we make it, no matter what hand we’re dealt.”

“I love that.”

I lean in slowly, giving her time to close the gap between us. She meets me halfway, her lips brushing against mine.

It’s a soft, gentle kiss until her arms wrap around my neck, and I deepen it. My hands find their way to her waist, pulling her body closer until I can feel the heat radiating from her, mixing with the warmth of the setting sun.

Some people are afraid of heights, and some are afraid of never flying.

Lucky for me, I might’ve found the one that’s willing to see how close we can get to the sun.



The sun casts a warm glow over the expansive courtyard as I step out of the sleek black car, my heart pounding. Laughter and lively conversation fill the air, and I don’t know why I find it surprising.

Did I expect dour faces and men standing around cleaning their guns?

“Don’t spin out,” I quietly instruct myself as I study the massive Bianchi Estate. Hearing my name, I turn and see Enzo strides across the courtyard with a warm smile. He’s dressed impeccably and looks every inch the powerful and successful mafioso, and a part of me wonders why he’s chosen me. “I made it.”

“You did.” He takes my hand, and I’m suddenly aware of the dozens of eyes on me.

“This isn’t just a family gathering.” I see dozens and dozens of people filling the lawn and wonder exactly how big the Bianchi family tree is.

“Sure it is,” he replies, leading me into the middle of the party. “Do you want to take a lap and get a lay of the land or dive in and meet my Ma?”

“Your mother?” I squeak. “On the first date?”

Leaning in, he puts his mouth against my ear, and I shiver as his warm breath coasts down my neck. “Sweetheart, we both know this is much more than a first date.”

Groaning quietly, I move closer. “That doesn’t make me feel better.”

“It should, since this is the first step into our new lives.”

“It won’t be if you keep saying things like that, and I keel over from anxiety.”

“You’ve looked an arms dealer in the eye and told him he was outplayed, so I’m doubting that a little family time is a big deal.”
