Page 69 of Dangerous Fortune

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“Probably more like a storm,” I say quietly as he leads me to a terrace overlooking the enormous lawn. The soft murmur of conversations and laughter from the people filling the tables under large pink umbrellas drifts toward us. “I didn’t ask my grandfather about his association with your family.” Looking up, I press my lips together. “He never said anything to us, and it doesn’t feel right to bring it up now when his cognition isn’t what it used to be.”

“That seems fair.”

Enzo looks across the lawn, and I have no idea what he’s thinking. “This is where you give me some details about what he did for the family.”

He turns slowly. “According to my uncle, your grandfather was a reliable numbers man for nearly forty years. He never was interested in becoming more and was happy with his place.”

His brow furrows, and I move closer. “Why do you look uncomfortable?”

“I’m never uncomfortable.”

“Really?” I slide my hand away. “Does Mafia blood run so thick it’s immune to normal human emotion?”

“No, but Sicilian blood allows me to ignore feelings that are not useful.”

“How convenient.” I turn toward the railing and lean against it, wondering if I want to spend my life with someone who thinks the macho silence thing is acceptable.

“I’m trying to protect your feelings, Abby.” He lets out a frustrated breath. “Carlo was a low-level money man, and I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

“Why would I feel that way?” I turn and trace the face that’s tattooed on the back of his hand. “My grandfather was happy running his laundromats. He was never bitter or said anything to suggest he was frustrated with what he had. Every night at dinner, he told us we needed to be grateful for such a good life.”


“Not everyone is meant to be a general.” I let out a small huff. “Some people are content being a soldier.”

“The famiglia is as strong as it is because of the many loyal men.”

“So why would I be disappointed that Nonno was just that?”

“I was born inside the castle and assume everyone wants what I have.”

I turn and study the enormous house. “Your life comes with a price that not everyone is willing to pay.” I play with a ring on my finger. “Your sister, for example.”

“Fuck, don’t get me started on that one.”

“Where is Ari the fireball?” I scan the crowd. “We’ve been texting, and she told me we could catch up today.”

He waves his hand toward the tables under the large tree. “She’s probably torturing some capo and pretending he has a chance of becoming her fiance.”

“And you’re doing nothing about it?”

“I’m letting Franco handle her because she pulls the kidnapped card whenever I suggest backing off the dangerous road she seems intent on pursuing.”

As the last rays of sunlight disappear, the terrace lights flicker on, casting an ethereal glow around us. Tumbling briefly back into the hours when I didn’t know if surviving was possible, I shiver. “She may just be trying to not only outrun her destiny but the inevitability of it happening again.”

“No one will ever get their hands on my sister…or you.”

Before I can respond, I see an imposing man who looks like a fallen angel approaching. His expression leaves no doubt that he’s in charge and writes all the rules. “Is that the Don?”

“Sure is.” He steps away from the railing. “Andre.”

“Enzo,” the Don greets, his voice commanding yet smooth. “May I have a word with Ms. Mercer?”

“Of course,” Enzo replies, giving me a reassuring squeeze before stepping away.

The Don studies me closely, and I do my best not to squirm. “I understand you’ve been a big draw for the casino. According to my cousin, all the big whales are lining up to play with you.”

“And even some arms dealers,” I add quietly. “It was never my intention to put Ari in danger.”
