Page 73 of Dangerous Fortune

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I watch Abby hesitate at the foot of the stairs leading to my family’s private plane. Her long, blond curls catch the sunlight, creating an almost halo-like aura around her. “Welcome aboard, sweetheart.”

I reach for her hand and feel her grip my fingers tightly. “I never asked how you feel about flying.”

“I enjoy it.” She smiles tentatively as she looks around the luxurious interior. “Damn Enzo. This is going to make flying Spirit Airlines a little tough.”

“I’ve never heard of Spirit.”

“Not surprising.” She looks up and bites her lips. “We are so different.”

“Something that will no doubt work in our favor.”

“I hope so,” she mutters, following me to a set of chairs and dropping her bag on a table.

The flight attendant approaches, and I glance at Abby. “Do you need something stronger than champagne?”

“No.” She kisses my cheek before sitting down, and I notice her smile isn’t quite as bright.

I nod to the attendant and then take a seat as the engines roar to life. After taking her hand, I feel her grip it tightly as we begin moving down the runway. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

Seconds later, the plane lifts gracefully into the sky, and we both gaze out the window, watching the shrinking cityscape of Boston disappear below us.

“Goodbye, Boston,” she murmurs, her voice barely audible over the hum of the engines.

“Hello, new beginnings,” I reply firmly as I watch her tuck a loose curl behind her ear. “How are you doing? Have you spoken with Nadia since your disagreement?”

“No.” Her mouth pinches together. “She texted me and said she’d help me pick up the pieces when things fall apart.”

“Damn. She’s sticking to her guns.”

“When she takes a stand on something, she rarely changes her mind.” Her fingers rub an invisible spot on the armrest. “And she is dead set against me getting involved with you.”

“That’s bullshit.” I shake my head. “She’s dated a bunch of our soldiers.”

“And it didn’t work out for her.”

“That has nothing to do with their job.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It sure as shit does because she’s your best friend.”

“Which means she should support my happiness regardless of my choices and not make it contingent on me following her rules.”

I want to say something but keep my thoughts to myself, knowing there isn’t much I can do to make her feel better. People are either accepting of our way of life or they’re not.

There’s no middle ground, and the sooner you find out how a person feels, the better. “Did your mom head back to Florida?”

“Yes, she’s assigned to a new ship and pretty excited about it.”

“I guess I’ll meet her next time she’s in town.”


I sit back and take a long breath. As much as I want to push the family thing, I know it’s the last thing Abby needs right now.

“Can I ask you something?”
