Page 77 of Dangerous Fortune

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As we continue playing, I watch her face scrunch in concentration, her small fingers gripping the cards tightly. She’s a quick learner, no doubt inheriting that trait from me. But right now, I’m just grateful for this moment – a reprieve from the dangerous world outside these walls. A chance to connect with my daughter and share something I love.

“Mommy, do you have any sevens?” she pipes up, interrupting my thoughts. I shake my head, trying to stay focused on the game.

“Go fish, sweetheart.” She grins triumphantly as she pulls a seven from the deck, her enthusiasm infectious. And as I look into her sparkling eyes, I know that no matter what challenges life may throw at us, she’s worth every gamble I’ve ever taken.

“Okay, sweetie, now that you’ve got the basics, let’s practice thinking about what cards you might want to ask for,” I advise. My daughter nods determinedly, her eyes scanning her hand with intensity.

“Mommy, do you have any... eights?” she asks, her voice growing in confidence.

I hand over my eight of hearts. “Great job, honey! Now remember, sometimes it’s not just about asking for the card you need, but also trying to figure out what your opponent might have,” I explain.

She bites her lower lip, a habit she picked up from me when deep in thought, then looks up with determination in her eyes. “Do you have any... fours?”

“Go fish,” I reply, impressed by her bold choice. She pulls a card from the deck and, with wide eyes, reveals a four.

“Wow, Mommy! I did it!”

“Amazing, sweetheart! You’re a natural at this game,” I praise, feeling a surge of pride.

Our laughter fills the spacious room, bouncing off the walls and echoing back to us.

“Mommy, do you have any... eights?”

“Go fish,” I reply, trying to maintain a straight face. She reaches for the deck, and I watch her draw an eight, her eyes lighting up with triumph.

“Ha! I got one!” she exclaims, placing the pair on the table. Her laughter fills the room, and I join in.

“Alright, smarty pants, it’s your turn again,” I tease, tickling her sides gently. She squirms and giggles, swatting my hands away playfully.

“Okay, okay! Let me think...” she says, scrunching her nose in concentration. I can see her mind working, analyzing the cards in her hand and trying to remember which ones have already been played. “Mommy, do you have any... fives?” she asks hesitantly, her eyebrows raised in anticipation.

“Actually, I do,” I admit, handing over the card and watching as her face breaks into a grin. She places another pair on the table, and I can’t help but marvel at her progress.

“Wow, sweetheart, you’re really getting the hang of this!”

“Thanks, Mommy! I’m learning from the best,” she says with a wink, mimicking my earlier gesture. We both burst into laughter again, the sound echoing throughout the room.

“Abby? Everything okay in here?” Enzo’s deep voice resonates from the doorway, and I look up to see him standing there, his tall frame filling the entrance.

Hey, honey,” I greet him, feeling my heart skip a beat as our eyes lock. “We’re just playing some Go Fish.”

His gaze shifts to our daughter, his eyes filled with love and pride as he studies the table littered with cards.

“Look, Daddy! I’m winning!” our daughter exclaims excitedly, waving her cards in the air for emphasis.

“Is that so?” Enzo chuckles, walking over to the table and kneeling beside her. “Well, I don’t doubt it for a second. You’re learning from the best, after all.”

“Thanks, Daddy!” she beams, her cheeks flushed with happiness.

“Alright, you two,” Enzo says, rubbing his hands together with a glint in his eye. “How about I join you ladies for the next round? Let’s see if I can give you a run for your money.”

“Bring it on, Daddy!” our daughter challenges, her eyes sparkling excitedly.

“Sounds like fun,” I agree, smirking as I shuffle the cards and deal out a new hand.

“Remember, love,” Enzo tells our daughter, leaning in conspiratorially. “Don’t let Mommy’s poker face fool you.” He winks at me, and I feel my heart flutter in response to his teasing.

“Okay,” she nods, her determined expression making me burst into silent laughter. It’s remarkable how much she resembles her father when she’s focused like this.
