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“Huh. Weird.” Charity wasn’t typically the type to want to get the family together for anything.

“Shane and Faith will be there too. Why don’t you bring Gabby?”

He grinned at the woman in question. “I’ll do that.”

“See you then.”

“Bye, Mum.” He hung up.

Gabby sat cross-legged on the seat closest to her tea. Luna immediately defected from his lap in favor of hers.

“What was that about?” she asked.

“We’re invited to lunch at Mum’s place,” he told her. “The whole family is going to be there.”

She frowned. “She wants me there too?”

“You’re family now.”

Her eyes softened. Maybe he should feel bad for making the most of her love of family, but he’d take whatever advantages he could get.

* * *

Logan and Gabbyarrived at the beachside house a few minutes before twelve. Shane’s vehicle pulled up beside them and he, Faith, Dylan, and Hunter got out.

“Hey, guys,” Gabby said.

“Hi, Aunt Gabby,” Hunter said, opening his arms for a hug. With a massive grin, she bent and embraced him. When she straightened, she bumped fists with Dylan.

Logan nodded to Shane and Faith in greeting, noting that Faith seemed to have made an extra effort to look good today. She always dressed like a fifties pin-up girl, but today her hair was carefully curled and styled and her makeup was more noticeable than usual. Shane, on the other hand, seemed to have missed the memo. He wore jeans and an old university t-shirt.

“Do you know what this is about?” Logan asked as they made their way inside. Hunter ran ahead to greet Corinne while Dylan hung back behind the adults.

“If I did, I couldn’t tell you,” Shane said. “And not just because I think my sister could do better.” He glanced at Faith, who was chatting with Gabby, and his expression was so full of love that Logan had to look away. It felt intrusive to witness. He smiled to himself though, because despite Shane’s barbed comment, his tone had been teasing, and that was progress.

He greeted his mum with a hug and Lawrence with a handshake. They gathered in the dining room, where Charity and Kyle were already waiting. He saw Charity and Faith exchange a glance. Kyle was beaming. Logan snorted. His brother had the world’s worst poker face. Something was going on, and it seemed like both St. John sisters and their partners were in on it.

They sat. Another table had been connected to the end of the main table so that there would be enough space for them all. Faith and Charity stood and moved to the head of the table.

“Before we eat the delicious lunch that Lawrence has made for us, Charity and I have an announcement,” Faith said, her voice loud in the crowded room.

Charity smiled, wide and joyous, so unlike her usual self that Logan couldn’t help but stare. “We’re pregnant!”

“What?” Corinne gasped. “Who’s pregnant?”

Both sisters raised their hands.

“Charity and I,” Faith said. “The babies are due in December and January.”

“Oh, my God.” Corinne looked stunned, then a smile slowly spread across her face until it was alight with happiness.

“Congratulations,” Logan said, clapping Shane on the shoulder. “Number three.”

“We can’t wait.” Shane’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “The boys are excited to get a baby too. Hunter has already said he wants to teach them how to paint.”

“That’s so sweet,” Gabby exclaimed. “He’ll be a great brother. I’m so happy for you.” She turned to Charity and Faith, who hadn’t returned to their seats yet. “Did you plan for it to happen at the same time?”

“No,” Charity said.
