Page 15 of Slashed

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He moves even slower now, deliberately cornering me. Being this near to him, I notice his mask is made of rubber. The silver comes from paint, and it seems flexible enough to bend.

I lift my chin to look at him properly.

God, he’s tall.

I’m not small, but I wouldn’t say I’m tall either. Average is the right word. I’m average in comparison to him, and he’s… extraordinary.

I don’t need to see his face to know there’s beauty behind the mask. Or maybe I’m fooling myself into thinking that a handsome man is hidden in the stoic devil disguise. Delusion might be my coping mechanism, butfuck.His entire essence radiates good-looking energy.

“You’ve caught me,” I whisper, using my lower register, hoping to sound sultry. Though it shouldn’t take much for me to do so, not when desire is already deepening it. “What are you going to do now?”

In a swift motion, he leans in and pins me against the wall with his torso. It’s so sudden that my breath hitches. Then, he presses one hand on the panel behind me and with the other, he leads the prop knife to the delicate curve of my neck, grazing the skin with the edge. I mold my back to the flat surface, stiffening under the layers of tension.

My chest heaves with the air that enters and abandons my lungs. It seems to catch his attention because his chin lowers. Though I can’t see what his eyes are staring at, I guess my choice to expose the valley of my breasts was a smart move.

With no other sounds to fill the space, his heavy pants behind his mask echo in the inches between us. And I wonder… is he as affected by my nearness as I am with his?

I shouldn’t find being pinned by a stranger so hot, but I do. I’m absolutely depraved because his tall frame towering over mine has my mouth going dry.

Heat accumulates in my cheeks, and I’m grateful for the dim lighting of this area. It’d be too embarrassing if he could see the way my body reacts to him, to his actions. There’s no doubt I’m not the first person to flirt with a scare actor, but arousal awakens inside me so strong, it should be concerning.

Shouldis the keyword.

Because I can’t find it within myself to care about what I should be doing. Logic has no place left in my brain. The visceral lust growing in me clouds all rational thoughts.

My gaze flicks down to his wrist where the knife’s hilt meets the end, and I suck in a breath at the threat of the weapon.Fake, but it tricks my mind all the same. It’s part of the fantasy, to be put in a dangerous situation. I cannot believe I’m turned on.

I don’t think he’s noticed that one of his thighs has lodged itself between mine and that if I were to rock my hips, I’d be able to rub my core all over the length of it. The thought almost makes a whimper break free. I imagine what it would feel like, how it would send shivers down my spine when the seam of my jeans dragged along his muscles, hitting the spot every single time.

I want him.So badly, I can’t even focus on what’s happening. I forget all about the circumstances and where we are. Nothing matters anymore. I just want him closer.

His chest inflates and deflates at the same speed as mine—deep, constant, erratic. Tension grows, wrapping us with a thick rope that only our bodies colliding and uniting can dissolve.

I glance up at the mask, and I wonder… does he want me, too?

Gulping, I allow the adrenaline and desire to take control of my entire being. The rest happens on its own. I’m not sure what pushes me to do it, but I use a hand to grab the hem of his shirt and pull him toward me. With the other, I lift the end of his mask, exposing full lips, and before I can process what I’m doing—maybe it was him who did it—, I crash my mouth against his.


Third Act

Amoan escapes me the second my lips brush his, and I’m taken aback by the bolt of sensations exploding in my system. Pure electricity travels down my spine, igniting every nerve in my body. I’m a bundle of overwhelmed receptors running on overload. Even my brain short circuits and stops working. When I kissed him, my mind had one purpose: to distract him so I could escape from this corner. But all my concerns and plans faded away with the touch of his mouth.

Silver Mask seems to be surprised by the kiss because his muscles harden and, perhaps unknowingly, the edge of his knife presses harder against my throat. My breath hitches in bewilderment and I freeze for a split second while I process what just happened.

The blade is colder and sharper than I expected it would be for a prop. Not enough to cut, but if he were to apply more pressure, I’m sure he’d be able to slice the sensitive skin open. Effortless and simple.

Hesitantly, I remain immobile with my mouth brushing his; the warmth of his breath leaving tingles on my bottom lip as I wait for the next move. My hand hasn’t released his shirt, clinging to the fabric in hopes he will react soon, that he’ll give me a hint—anything—to show he wants this as much as I do.

Though I’m unable to see his eyes, I picture them blinking when his head shakes and rubs the end of the mask on the bridge of my nose. It’s almost as if he did it unconsciously while struggling to pierce through the shock.

Silver Mask lowers the hand he has on the wall. When I think he’s about to withdraw, he curls it behind my neck and dives in, trapping my lips in a fierce and passionate kiss that matches the energy of our sensual tango.

The leather of his gloves smooth and hot on my skin.

Moaning, I melt against him and arch my spine to seek more contact. I ignore the way the edge of his mask is digging into my nose. Hell, I don’t even think about the fact that he never lowers the prop knife. Part of me craves to feel the pressure on my neck, teasing me in ways I’d never imagined before. There’s something about sensing the possibility of a threat, a the taste of danger, that sends a wave of arousal through me.

A groan vibrates against my mouth when he presses his lips on the curve of my cupid bow. I tremble with desire. The sound shoots straight to my core as he firmly pulls me closer, forcing a noise of delight out of me. My nipples stiffen. His hard and muscular frame emanates heat, and it engulfs me with his presence.
