Page 2 of Fighting for Daisy

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The ninja in the bomber jacket spun the gun on his finger and looked down at the writhing crook. “I’m gonna kick your ass and take your gun.”

“Holy crap,” Daisy said, mouth hanging open. “That. Was. Awe-some.” Tough as leather and good-looking as sin—Bomber Jacket was quite the combo.

“Apologize to the lady and return her stuff,” the man said, hitching his chin at Daisy. He pocketed the gun and pulled out his cell phone like he didn’t have a care in the world. Dang, add chivalrous, and you had the perfect-man trifecta.

“You knocked…the wind…out of me,” the robber wheezed. “I can’t…even stand.”

“Well, that’s convenient,” the tough guy said, taking his eyes off the crook to dial. “Crawl on over there, and you’ll already be on your knees to beg forgiveness.”

“What about my things?” the wuss in the loafers whined.

“You tripped all over yourself to give ’em to him. If you want ’em back, take ’em.”

Loafer Guy started to object but shut up after Green Eyes shot him an icy glare.

The masked man threw Daisy’s stuff at her feet and muttered, “Sorry.”

Bomber Jacket had the phone to his ear, waiting for whoever he’d called to pick up. “Uh, no. Get off your ass, hand the lady her belongings, and apologize like you mean it.”

Daisy thought he might be pushing it but didn’t say so. The robber crawled over, picked up what he’d tossed, and offered a slightly more sincere apology.

“Hey,” Hot Guy said into the phone. “It’s Walsh. Can you send units to a 10-65 at Horizon Bank on Trent Boulevard?”

He listened for a second and then said, “Nah. I got his gun. I’m off duty and don’t have any cuffs though.”

“I robbed a cop?” the thief mumbled. “You gotta be kidding me.”

Walsh poked the thief with his well-worn boot. “You need an aid car, dude?”

The robber shook his head, and Walsh relayed the message to the dispatcher before hanging up.

“Did you still want to use the machine?” her hero asked.

“Oh, no. That’s okay,” Daisy said. “You go ahead.” Before the interruption, the screen had flashed her balance. Twelve dollars was useless when the machine dispensed in increments of twenty. And who was she kidding? Even when the euros came through, she would still be broke.

While they talked, the robber stood and was inching toward the door. The cop must have sensed it. Without turning around, he said, “Don’t even think about it.”

Not heeding the warning, the robber made a break for it. In another speed-of-light move, Walsh turned, grabbed the man’s hand, and twisted his wrist until he was once again on his knees and begging for mercy.

“This will work out better for you if you stay still and do what I say. Got it?” The robber nodded and sagged to the floor.

Within minutes, blue and red flashing lights bounced around the ATM lobby’s glass. Officers took the man into custody and then took turns ribbing Walsh.

“Dude, leave it to you to find trouble your last week of work,” one officer said.

“You got balls of steel, Noah,” another said, slapping him on the back. “I’m gonna miss you, bro.”

As the adrenaline wore off, Daisy found she was a little shaky. She closed her eyes and sucked in a breath. A warm hand grabbed her elbow, and a deep voice warmed her insides. “You okay?”

Intense, concerned eyes bore into hers. “Yeah,” she said, blinking stupidly. Was it shock or his next-level handsomeness that had her in a daze? “I’ll be fine.”

Another officer whisked her away to give a statement, and by the time they let her go, her green-eyed hero had disappeared. Damn it.

CHAPTER ONE—Seven Months Later

Daisy closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, and exhaled slowly. She rolled her neck and knocked twice before opening the door and letting herself in. Show time.

“Hey, yo!” she called out, heading for the kitchen.
