Page 37 of The Siren's Call

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I pick up the closest table and throw it against the wall, narrowly avoiding Lev’s head. Chairs, tables, and anything not secured to the floor will get destroyed in my rampage. I see blood dripping down my hands but ignore it in my fury, although destruction of the V.I.P lounge does nothing to contain my dismay.

I walk toward the door ripping it open as I take my gun out of its holster, taking the clip out making sure it is full and ramming it back in. I leave the safety on and return it to its holster. It’s my favourite Makarov, the first gun given to me by my Papa for my first killing. Only apt that it’s used to kill the first dickhead dumb enough to touch what’s mine.

“Kai, wait up. You need to know what happened first,” Lev shouts.

I couldn’t give two shits what’s happened, my woman shouldn’t be giving any fucker a lap dance. She’ll be lucky if I don’t kill her for this stunt, or maybe she’ll wish she were dead by the time I’m finished with her.

I nearly rip the hinges off the private door separating me from the main seating area and stage. Peter and Greg jump at the sound of the door smashing against the wall. They choose the right course of action though and step back out of my way.

As I’m marching towards the stage, people get out of my way or stare at me with worried looks on their faces. I must look menacing, but I couldn’t care one bit. This is my club, my city, my fucking Queen currently rubbing herself on some prick’s dick.

Misha’s hand falls on my shoulder this time and I’ve had enough. I grab his hand and turn to punch him in the face for thinking he can stop me in my pursuit of punishing my Queen. He’s a big fucker but I manage to split his lip.

I march up the stairs as my heart races and my body pulsates with a feeling I’ve never felt before. It feels as though my heart is being ripped out of my chest the closer I get to them. Neither of them is aware of my presence as they both have their eyes closed.

I reach the chair and stand at the side, pulling out my gun I point it directly at the fucker’s head. People start to scream and rush when getting out of their seats. Valentina’s eyes fly open and sharply focus on my gun, digging into the unsuspecting prick’s temple. Her eyes quickly looked up to mine which stops all her body movements, though instead of looking scared she looks enraged. What the fuck has she got to be pissed about?

The music cuts off, people are rushing to exit the club and the staff are helping them. The prick hasn’t moved but his hands, that were holding Valentina’s arse while she gave him a lap dance, have slipped down to his sides. He looks like he is going to piss himself at any second and is looking hopelessly at Valentina for help.

I’ve had enough. I grab Valentina’s hair at her nape and drag her off the fucker’s lap. He goes to bolt but I kick the chair with him still in it across the stage.

“Take that prick to the basement, I’ll deal with him after I’ve finished with my Little Vixen here. Send the staff home and make sure the club is empty,” I growl at Lev, Misha and Pasha.

“Let me go you dickhead!” Valentina shouts trying to claw at my hands.

“Tame yourself little kotehok, save your claws for later as you will need them for what I have planned for you.”

I drag her backstage with her screaming and shouting in all her magnificent glory. Every hit or move she makes to try and dislodge herself from my grip on her hair, I deflect.

When I slam the door open to the changing room all the girls scream and turn in shock when they see me holding a red-faced Valentina by her hair. They look between us, unsure of what to do.

“Get the fuck out, now!” I roar.

I drag Valentina in, and the girls scramble to grab their clothes and rush out of the room. Rose goes to say something, but I feel Valentina shake her head in a warning not to. My clever girl hasn’t lost all her marbles tonight then. Rose still gives me a furious look, but exits the room like the others.

I lock the door behind them and undo my belt with my free hand, ripping it out through the belt loops of my trousers. I push Valentina’s head against the door and finally release my grip on her hair. She starts to struggle and tries to push away from the door.

“Kai, fucking let me go now. I’m going to kick your arse all around this club. Aren’t you busy anyway with all your mistresses to bother with boring old me? The virginal pussy is conquered now, so go back to your whores and stop clit blocking me. If you have women, I sure as fuck am having any fucking man I want.”

Her words hit me in the gut like a knife. The fuck is she fucking other men. Over my dead body and all of theirs. I grab her hands and hold them together in a punishing grip, making her squeal. I wrap my belt around her hands and tighten it far tighter than it needs to be. She will not be able to escape and will re-enact every minute of the lesson I am about to teach her now, whenever she sees the mark adorning her wrists.

I whip her body around to face me and grab her tightly around her throat, squeezing forcefully enjoying the fear laced into her delicate features. She’s bold though my Little Vixen, she defiantly glares back at me, goading me to act. I look at my hands covered in my own blood, then I wipe the blood on her face, smearing it over her cheeks.

“You listen and you listen good Valentina, if I so much as hear or see another man sniffing around you, let alone touching you, he dies. No man or woman touches what’s mine, you hear. NOBODY!” I roar out the last part of the statement in her face, squeezing harder on her throat.

“Fuck you, Wanker.” Valentina seethes right back at me, then she spits right in my face.

I’m in shock for a few seconds then fury takes over. I spin her body back around, grab her hair and slam her head back against the door. I lean right in her face silent for a few moments, our erratic breaths the only noise in the room.

“First blood, then spitting Valentina. Tut tut, what other kinky little fuckery are you holding back from me, um? Believe me, Valentina, I will find out every sordid little secret in that beautiful little head of yours. As for now my Little Vixen, it’s time for you to pay your penance to the devil you awoke.”

“You just fucked Amy, I’ve every right to fuck any man I like. So, you can stick your punishment up your arse, prick.”

I’m taken aback for a moment as to why the hell she thinks I fucked Amy. Did she see Misha and Pasha taking her away?

“I have not been near a woman since I met you Valentina and I have no intention of doing so. Do you hear me? Oh, and talking about arses I think I might have to introduce my cock to yours.”

“She bragged about it Kai, right outside the V.I.P lounge. Told me I’d be sucking off her skanky pussy juices from your cock.”
