Page 52 of The Siren's Call

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“So am I Kai, fuck I’ve been doing it all my life. I’ve asked you to not underestimate me.”

“I’m not underestimating you Valentina, I’m protecting you. They will attack here first. I know they will and I need you protected. Lev will scope out from his nest to try and detect Steel Eye, then he will pick off any threats to us on the ground. Misha and Luka will protect you, as well as the rest of my guards. We have an influx of guards coming in as we speak and several other teams meeting me at Lev’s apartment.”

“It’s pointless trying to change his mind, Red. He’s as stubborn as you. You’re well suited actually.” Misha states.

We both reply in unison with “Fuck off” and “Fuck you Bear.”

Luka, Misha, and Lev all burst out laughing Valentina and I stare at them all and I smile when she starts giggling. Holy hell she looks even more beautiful when she lets her guard down like this. I love her feistiness, I always have, but this side of her doesn’t appear very often. I need to make it my goal to see more of this.

I hate to break the moment, but I must leave as soon as I can to ensure I’m back before the attack. I message Ida to tell her I’m on my way and to start packing her stuff up.

“I have to go now Valentina; I won’t be long I promise. Please behave and be gentle on the guys.”

I walk over to Valentina, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, then start walking to the door. I hear them start trying to decipher the bomb I’ve just dropped; I would feel sorry for them, but I start to laugh instead.

“What does he mean Lena? What are you up to?” Luka asks.

“Yes Red, if you think you are getting me involved you have another thing coming,” Misha gripes.

“What the fuck is everyone on about? Can someone let me in on the inside joke?” Lev asks.

“Well, I need to do some exercise this morning as I’m no longer allowed to dance at the club.” Valentina says innocently in reply.

“Hell, fuck no, I’m not dancing. You can do whatever you want but no fucking way am I getting involved,” Lev shouts.

“Come on Red, Lev’s got a point. None of us are dancing material. You can dance and we’ll all sort out a plan for guarding you, okay?” Misha says.

“Guys you have it all wrong she doesn’t want us to dance, but I’ll tell you now you may wish she had,” Luka announces.

The last thing I hear as the lift closes is Lev’s raised voice and Misha groaning.‘Good luck guys you’ll need it’I think to myself and chuckle as the lift descends down to the basement.

Chapter 15


As I watch the door closing on the lift, I feel an uneasy dread in my stomach that won’t shift. I’m worried for Kai and even though I don’t like his sister much, I’m worried for her too.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Luka stop speaking in riddles and spit it out,” Lev growls.

“Oh crap!” Misha groans.

“Oh crap, what? Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Lev growls again.

I smile at him and put my hands demurely under my chin, waiting a few extra moments before I put Lev out of his misery.

“I am going to change into my gym gear, and I expect you all to be ready for when I have finished. I’ll be easy on you as I haven’t got my knives at hand. Which reminds me Lev, where have all our things from the flat gone?”

“They are all boxed up in the room next to mine. What fucking knives are you talking about and easy on us how?” Lev replies, confused.

“Combat training, wrestling, anything goes, really. My throwing knives and combat knives. Oh and my special made garter straps should be there as well for my throwing knives.”

I stand up and start walking back to Kai’s room as Lev is cursing at the lads; nothing like a good fight to get the blood pumping. Luka has seen me fight, but Kai’s men have yet to witness it.

I grab a quick shower and brush my teeth. I tie my hair in two braids and put them in buns at the bottom of my head. People tend to grab hold of my hair when fighting, that’s a lesson I learnt years ago. I dress in black leggings and a tight vest top, containing the girls securely. I don’t bother with any footwear, as bare feet grip Kai’s flooring better. I leave Kai’s room and head back into the living room to find everyone still there arguing.

“Is everyone ready? I am!” I announce.

“No way I’m fighting you Red, this is ridiculous!” Misha says.
