Page 7 of The Siren's Call

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I move my hand around and dip my fingers into her pussy lips again. She moans and I move further back, towards her tight little hole. As I’m about to push in she grabs my hand and stops me. I look up and her face has gone from euphoria to worry in two seconds flat!

“What’s wrong Annabelle?” I frown, looking directly into her eyes.

“I…” She tries to look away, but I grab her jaw and make sure she’s looking straight into my eyes.

“Tell me what’s the matter now, Annabelle!” She starts to blush and looks down.

“I can’t Kai, I just can’t!” She’s got tears in her eyesand I’m starting to get worried now, and mad. She will fucking answer me.

“Answer me now, Little Vixen, or I will be forced to punish you in another way which will be far less pleasurable for you I promise!”

Her teary eyes shoot to mine.

“I’m a fucking virgin you arsehole! Are you happy now?” She looks down again.

I’m fucking gobsmacked, that’s the last thing I expected to come out of her mouth. Fucking hell, she’s the sexiest fucking virgin I’ve ever met. All my thoughts race and I can see she’s going further, back into her head. Fuck that!

“Fucking hell baby, you’re so fucking hot it’s unbelievable! You’re coming home with me now!” I stand up with her in my arms and chuck her over my shoulder.

“Kai, what are you doing? Put me down right now!” She starts thumping my back.

“Baby, you’re going nowhere except my fucking bed! There is no escape for you my Little Vixen!”

Chapter 3


“Put me down Kai, you can’t carry me through the club like this! You fucking neanderthal, let me go!”

I scream and pound at his back with my fists. He will not carry me, like a stricken damsel in distress over his shoulder, like a prize he has won! I’m so mad right now, he better watch out if he lets me go at any point. I will show him who he’s messing with.

He walks out the VIP lounge door and passes Lev. I lift my head up to find Lev smirking at me and following behind us.

“Lev, why the fuck are you amused? Will you tell him he’s being ridiculous carrying me through the club like this!”

“I thought you were going to have him purring like a kitten Little Red, what’s the matter? Did you deny him his cream?”

Lev tips his head back, chuckling. I stick my swivel finger up at him, smiling maniacally.

“Okay Lev, you have now put yourself on my shit list. I’m going to enjoy kicking you in the balls once I’m free!”

Why the hell did I think Lev would help me? He’s loyal to Kai and how can I really blame him for that? Luka will always have my back and has done so since I was a kid. Oh my God, Luka is going to flip his lid if I don’t return tonight, I need to contact him but what the fuck am I going to tell him?

“Oh, I’m shaking in my boots Little Red. Can you see me shaking?”

His smile is breath-taking and sadistic at the same time, it’s how it kicks up slightly further on the right-hand side. The dimples deepen in his cheeks, giving him that lovable rogue look but his eyes show me his true self.

“Fuck you arsehole!”

We descend the stairs and Kai carries me past Greg and Peter, out into the main club. I look up at them both and Greg goes to step forward to do something, but Peter grabs his arm and pulls him back. All I see is their heated argument as I’m carried further into the main club.

As we pass the bar. I see Sam and her face is stricken. She runs up to Lev as we pass and they start arguing. Sam is a little firecracker, she’s much smaller than Lev but is on her tiptoes trying to get in his face. Lev just grabs her hair and pulls her head back bending down to put them face to face. Sam seems to melt in his hold as he says something to her that I can’t hear. Interesting!

Kai is still making his way out with me and I’m running out of time now. It looks like I’m not going to get any help. I start trying to kidney punch Kai to escape, but he’s so bloody tall that I can’t quite get an effective strike.

“Let me the fuck down, you psycho!”

I scream at the top of my lungs, hitting and kicking him as much as his hold on my thighs allows. He suddenly stops smack bang in the middle of the club and everyone is staring at us, waiting to see what’s going to happen.
