Page 19 of Now You're Mine

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Harper reaches out to tuck a stray curl behind my ear. “You’re my ride or die, my bestie boo, my OG for infinity. I’ll never betray you.”

“Even if it’s to keep me safe?”

“Is it really a betrayal if my motives have your best interests at heart?”

I groan and flop onto the pillow. “Why do you have to be so…”

“Sexy? Brilliant? Talented? I could go on all day.”

“Annoying,” I say with a smile.

“Don’t be hateful just because I’m taking Hayden’s side in whatever argument you guys are having. Don’t think I haven’t noticed. You’re more depressed than Eeyore fromWinnie the Pooh, but your issue with him isn’t what landed you in this hospital bed.”

I blow out a breath. “I know.”

“Are you going to trust me enough to tell me now?”

“Yes. Don’t interrupt me, or I might not be able to get it all out.”

“I want to help you, even if that means simply sitting here quietly.”

I make a face. “Is that possible?”

“We’re about to find out.”

Before I can change my mind, I tell Harper about the night of my assault, Hayden’s reaction, and his mission to find out everything and put an end to it. I don’t admit to him being my stalker, but I do reveal the details of his behavior at the T&A, as well as him following me at night to and from my apartment. Knowing Harper, she’ll make the connection on her own, and if she doesn’t, that’s fine with me.

My friend sits there without moving or speaking, but her eyes fill with tears, and she grips my hands tighter with every bit of revelation. By the end, I almost wish she were her usual self instead of stunned into silence.

“Now you know,” I say.

“Now I know.”

“Aren’t you going to say something?”

Harper closes her eyes shut, and a tear leaks out. “You can be Eeyore if you want.”

My chest squeezes in on itself. “As long as you’ll be my Tigger. We both can’t be sad.”

“You’re right.” She wipes her face and straightens her shoulders. “Hayden is a demented Christopher Robin, and you’ll be your normal Piglet self in no time.”


“Okay, fine. You can be Kanga. She’s sweet and nurturing.” She gives me a pointed look. “Listen, you can deny it all you want, but at the end of the day, that man acts like his world revolves around you. Is it a little on the unhealthy side? Sure. But if I thought for one second that he’d hurt you, I’d kill him.”

“The two of you are so… violent.”

“Some things, or people, are worth it.”

At the sound of the door opening, we shift our attention to the nurse walking inside. “Hello, Miss Green,” she says.

“Thank you for trusting me.” Harper jumps down from the bed and leans over to plant a kiss on my cheek. “Don’t bust a stitch tonight.”

“Huh?” I peer around the nurse to gape at my friend. “What are you talking about?”

She winks at me. “TTFN. Ta-ta for now.”

