Page 109 of Legion of Kings

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“Come for me, Ju. Let me feel your pussy suck my dick.” My words were enough to tug on the thread that caused her to unravel into a puddle.

“Mmm, shit,” she cursed, working her slender hips, gripping my dick between her pulsing walls. “I love the way you make me come,” she told me, stroking the side of my face.

“And I love making you come, beautiful.”

“Fill me up, King,” she told me, lifting her hips to meet my thrusts. She knew what those words did to me. I was helpless when I was inside of her. “I want your babies.” She panted and I tasted the sweetness of her breath.

When I kissed her, something inside of me clicked. Jupiter was it for me. She was everything that was missing from my life. I swore to myself that when we finally had kids together, I’d get out of the gang life. I’d go legit for Jupiter…for our kids.

I came so fucking hard my damn soul left my body for a few minutes. My name exploded from Juju’s pretty mouth, loud and clear and full of love. I did just as she asked and filled her the fuck up.

I leaned down, sucking on her lips and tongue while my seed shot into her hungry cunt. We pulsed together in harmony like an ancient drumbeat.

Jupiter was my connection to whatever the source was. Whatever energy created everything on earth. I was able to tap into it when I was with Juju. She was everything I didn’t know I was missing.

I thought carving out my own family with the Kings completed me. I thought I was fulfilled seeing all my brothers eat and get money together but once I saw Jupiter, I knew what true hunger was. I didn’t know I was starving until I tasted her.

She changed me and I didn’t want to go backward. I wanted every day to be filled with Juju’s laughter and jokes, and that smart ass fucking mouth.

That woman had my entire heart wrapped around her little finger.

I might have been the leader of the Legion of Kings but when it came to my life and my heart, Juju ruled over everything.

She laid beside me afterward, trying to bring her breathing back to normal. I put my arms around her and kissed her dewy forehead. “So that’s a yes on babies then,” I asked, stroking her arm.

“It’s a yes. Not right now because we’re into some messy shit but when we finally settle down from the Legion of Kings, I want to have little Kings and Jujus.” Her smile was so pretty. So real.

“I can agree to that. But I’m marrying your fine ass now.”

“As long as I get enough time to plan everything, I don’t care when we get married.” Her fingers danced along my abs, up to my chest.

“The queen needs time to plan,” I chuckled.

“No, the King of Clubs needs time to plan,” she corrected me with a finger pointed at my face. I laughed and let her have it.

Sometimes the kingisa woman.


“I’m on my way, Juju, damn calm down,” Pretty Boy fussed over the phone.

“Get your high-yellow ass down here, Ricardo,” I said, stretching out his name to more syllables than necessary.

“Stop calling me that shit, Ju. It creeps me the fuck out. You know what my name is.”

“Your name is Ricardo,” I said, my voice monotone.

“Do I need to make you say my fucking name the right way when I get there?” He asked. I smiled a little and tossed a glance at King, who was sitting right beside me.

“Yo, you’re on speakerphone, nigga. Don’t say no shit about making my wife say your name.” A frown turned the corners of King’s mouth down. We were almost done planning the wedding. I had to make sure Jay could take plenty of time off though. I wanted a destination wedding. Anywhere tropical that wasn’t fucking Inglewood.

“My Bad, King. You know what the hell I meant. You know your wife got jokes.”

“Me? Jokes?” I grinned, batting my lashes.

“Shut your Doodle Bear ass up. I’m here.”
